How should a shirt fit on a man?

It seems that every person knows exactly how a shirt should fit on him, but this is not so. There are standards and rules that must be followed if you want your clothes to fit really neatly and correctly, and also to highlight all the advantages of your figure.

Shirt on a man

Short sleeve shirt

Nowadays we can meet in public transport and educational institutions men who believe that clothing several sizes smaller than their figure can emphasize some advantages. This is not true, the products are of the wrong size, create inconvenience and the appearance is absolutely ridiculous. If you care what you look like, then remember how a man’s shirt should fit.

How should the collar fit?

There are three main options:

  • If the product is true to size, then the collar on the clothing does not put pressure on the neck, but completely touches the skin.
  • A small size if the collar touches the skin too tightly and presses, which is why the fair sex feels uncomfortable.
  • Great if the collar is at a distance from the neck and is not able to touch the skin. The main indicator is that you can insert a finger between the neck and collar without any effort.

Shirt collar

How to fit a shirt that is selected according to size at the shoulder line?

  1. In the event that the clothing was purchased in accordance with the parameters of a man, then the shoulder seam is located in the same place as the shoulder. This is where the joint between the garment and the sleeve is located. In addition to the outer part, you should also pay attention to the armhole so that it is large.
  2. If it is small, then the seam will end before the shoulder. It’s not difficult to notice; part of the sleeve will be higher. There will also be noticeable discomfort in the armhole, which usually results in an unsightly crease.
  3. Large is certainly better than small, but it doesn’t always look beautiful. In this case, the shoulder will be in the biceps area. And also the armholes will not come into contact with human skin.


How can you tell if a shirt is a good fit based on how it sits on your torso?

If the shirt has shrunk to size, the buttons will be fastened easily, without any distortion. It also indicates the correct choice of buttons located in the middle of the torso, without moving to the right or left. If the clothes are really too small, then the buttons will be difficult to fasten and the skin will be visible through them. Due to the wrong choice, the sleeves of the product will also be stretched.

Shirt by size

Have you picked up a big shirt? This is also not difficult to notice; the product inflates if you walk in the wind. In addition, it will be noticeable that the fabric is simply hanging in the torso area. Even if you tuck such a product into your trousers, it will still hang.

Where should the sleeves and cuffs be?

Correct length In addition to other points, you should also consider how the clothes look on the sleeves. The best option is when the sleeve is wider than the cuff and looks like a cone. The sleeve must be absolutely free, no matter what the man does. When purchasing, make sure that the fabric does not wrap around your arm, this indicates that the clothing is large and the appearance will be ruined.

Attention! You should also pay attention to the cuffs; do not buy products that fit too tightly to the wrists. To understand 100% whether the clothes fit you or not, try taking them off without unfastening the cuffs.

What nuances of cut, tailoring and quality of material should be taken into account when buying a men's shirt?

Shirt fabric qualityTo choose the right clothes, rely on all the tips, except this, pay attention to the length of the product. The best option is when the belt is closed as much as possible. Whatever style you buy, in any case, the product should be long not only in the front, but also on the sides and back.

As for the cut, tailoring and material, these are just personal preferences; as soon as you put on the shirt once, it will become clear whether you like it or not.

Important! The main thing is to pay attention to the material so that it is pleasant to the body.

How should a shirt ideally fit on a man?

A correctly selected shirt should fit moderately loosely on the neck, torso, shoulders, sleeves, etc. The photograph shows examples of how a man should ideally look in such clothes.

Shirt sizes

Unsuccessful selection examples

Do you want to look great? In this case, always look at yourself in the mirror and do not buy clothes that make you feel uncomfortable.

How to use a shirt to hide flaws and highlight the advantages of a man’s body

Shirt on a fat manIf you want to highlight your figure with a shirt, then make sure it fits you, iron it and wear it with the right trousers. This way, your image will be perfect and all your advantages will be emphasized. Choose clothes in different shades to create original looks.

If you are overweight or have other shortcomings, you should not hide them behind clothes 10 sizes too big, you will only aggravate the situation. Use our tips and find a product that will fit perfectly and will not hang like a bag. Are you embarrassed about your figure? Pair a quality shirt with a nice jacket and no one will notice that you are less than perfect.

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