Which tie goes best with which shirt?

TiesA stylish, impeccably dressed man attracts the eye and gives the impression of success and solidity. The right tie plays an important role in creating the ideal image. This is one of its main elements. When choosing a tie for a particular outfit, it’s easy to make a mistake. What combinations of shades are the most advantageous and how to properly complement a stylish look with a tie in order to look elegant and not funny, we will try to figure it out in our article. There are general rules for choosing a men's accessory.

Attention! The leading rule is to combine no more than 3 shades in an image.

For the most daring, a larger number is acceptable, but they must follow the color scheme of the dominant colors. The easiest way is to match ties to your outfit without sudden changes in contrast.

What is a color wheel

Color circleThe color wheel can help you correctly combine shades in clothing. It is a geometric figure divided into sectors. They repeat the colors of the spectrum.And it has warm shades: red, yellow, orange and their derivatives, and cold shades – blue and purple. The design world uses a color wheel based on the Hue, Sateration, Brightness model—HSB for short.

In this model, the tone, hue saturation and brightness of a given color are important. Each indicator is set on a certain scale. In order not to go into scientific jungle, let's figure out how the color wheel works in reality.

The fewer colors in a suit, the easier it is to make your image harmonious. A monochromatic outfit is boring, so the most common is a combination of 2 colors. The circle tells you which colors are best combined in clothes - these will be opposite shades, for example, red - green, purple - light green, etc.

When combining 3 colors, a triangle with a right angle, an obtuse angle, or an equilateral one is drawn on a circle. Their tops lie on flowers, which will give a harmonious combination. This is a reason to remember geometry.

When combining 4 shades, sectors of the color wheel are used, connected by perpendicular lines.

Basic rules for color combinations of ties with shirts

Most men are lazy or afraid to be creative in choosing interesting shirt and tie combinations. Oh, in vain. This allows you to brighten up boring everyday life and stand out from the crowd of colleagues.

With colored or light shirts

Tie on a light shirtA universal item in a man's wardrobe is a snow-white shirt; a men's wardrobe accessory of any color harmonizes with it. In order not to blend in with others, stylists advise choosing bright, textured models. The only taboo is the combination of a white shirt and a black tie - attire for a funeral. Colored shirts can be plain: pink, blue, green, etc.Men's shirts with stripes of different widths and assorted checks are also popular. It is easier to cope with the selection of a tie pair for a plain shirt. Here you need basic taste, and remember the rule - the tie should be several shades darker. For shirts with patterns, there are nuances that need to be taken into account.

With blue shirts

The blue color refreshes the look. Many combinations suit these shirts:

  • Classics of the genre – dark model (blue, gray) with polka dots or stripes.
  • Color accent in the form of a tie in a contrasting palette. A blue shirt with a terracotta or yellow tie would look interesting.
  • Combination blue plus red – another winning option, a red tie is worn by confident people with leadership abilities.
  • A dark green model will help you become the star of the day and make the impression of a stylish gentleman. A sophisticated look is guaranteed.

With pink shirts

Tie on a pink shirt

Pink shades are popular in summer. When choosing a tie, you should follow the basic rules:

  • choose neighboring, related colors - dark purple, shades of lilac;
  • play on contrast - take a thing in the color of the opposite sector of the color wheel, for example blue or lush green.

With white shirts

White shirts are in the wardrobe of every representative of the stronger sex. This is a basic thing, on its basis you can create a variety of images from business to romantic. The compatibility of such a shirt is universal - it harmonizes with all the colors of the circle, goes well with large and small patterns. Not only any color, but also a variety of textures from knitted to silk will look great on a white background.

With checkered and striped shirts

Tie on a checkered shirtChecks and stripes give the look an informal feel.You can definitely stand out in a striped outfit if you follow some small rules. And plaid has always been associated with brutal cowboys, but ties can and should be worn with it. Stripe Rule #1– striped items go well together, provided that the stripes are of different widths. Otherwise, you risk becoming a zebra, which will make others' eyes ripple. The best option is a small stripe on a shirt and a large oblique stripe on a tie.

Stripe Rule #2 – the shirt should match the color of the stripes on the tie fabric – either match or contrast, i.e. be opposite in the color circle. For example, under a blue shirt with thin burgundy stripes, you can wear a blue, burgundy or even emerald accessory.

Stripe Rule #3 – striped things go well with other geometric figures.

For checkered shirts, there are also several principles for selecting an item of men's wardrobe. Things go well together if:

  • A tie without a pattern - plain or with a large print. A small ornament against the background of a colorful shirt will simply be invisible.
  • If both items of clothing are checked, then the check on the tie fabric should be larger.
  • A plaid shirt is harmoniously complemented by a tie with large diagonal stripes. The color of the tie either matches the color of the shirt or contrasts with it.

With dark shirts

Dark shirts in rich colors are complemented by light tie models. The combination looks winning when the shade of the tie matches the color of the suit. For example, a light gray suit and tie accompanied by a black shirt.

Reference! The law of brown states that in a man's wardrobe, brown only goes with brown.

A chocolate shirt and a mustard tie paired is a clear confirmation of this.

How to match a shirt to a tie

What shirts go with striped ties?

Striped tieThe simplest option is a set of a plain shirt and a striped tie model. It doesn't matter how wide the stripe is on the tie. If the stripe matches the shirt, then the set looks like a single ensemble. To make the image more interesting, use contrasting shades. Shirts with small stripes and a tie with large ones combine beautifully, and the lines can be vertical, horizontal and diagonal. An interesting effect is obtained when combining a checkered shirt and a tie with a stripe, if their width is approximately the same.

What shirts go with polka dot ties?

Polka Dot TiePolka dot ties are at the height of fashion. The color of the pea pattern should match the shade of the shirt. Small patterns reminiscent of dots give the model an official style. You can safely attend business meetings in it. They can be easily combined with light and plain shirts. But an overly large ornament can turn a stylish suit into a clown outfit.

Advice! For men of short stature and those who tend to be overweight, a print with small polka dots is recommended, while thin and tall men can safely flaunt a model with large polka dots.

Additional requirements for the selection of ties

Depending on the season, place of work and status, certain requirements are imposed on a men's accessory.

According to fabric texture

Shiny ties look vulgar; never wear them unless you are a pop star. Silk products are appropriate in the summer season, they are called “summer”. The color scheme of such models is dominated by delicate pastel shades. In winter, preference is given to more saturated and dark colors. And the materials used are dense and textured.Wool ties look stylish in a duet with a tweed jacket.

By a combination of solid and variegated colors

SuitsModels with palm trees, bananas and other funny pictures are not fashionable, but funny. The tie should not “scream”; it should be in harmony with the suit and shirt. If you are not too confident in your good taste, then feel free to wear a dark formal suit with a light shirt and tie in dark colors, combining them in related colors. Ties with patterns look interesting, but you can’t go overboard with the colorfulness. All three elements: suit, shirt and tie cannot be patterned; one item must remain plain.

If the pattern on both items of clothing is the same, then it should be noticeably different in size. When combining things with different patterns, for example paisley (paisley) and stripes, in one ensemble, you need to ensure that the size of the patterns and the width of the stripes are approximately the same.

Important! The width of the tie should match the width of the jacket lapel, and the tip of the tied tie should touch the belt buckle.

Experiment when creating your daily look, whether you are going to work or to a party. Combine contrasting shades and gradually introduce ornamental elements and then you will be a style icon for your colleagues, and not a boring office worker.

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