How to remove pen (ink) from a white shirt?

Stains on your favorite clothes can be frustrating. Especially when pen marks appear on the snow-white fabric of a shirt. Removing such stains can be difficult. But nothing is impossible. Ink marks can be removed by choosing the right method to get rid of them.

Methods for removing ballpoint pen stains from a white shirt

Pen stain on shirt

In addition to special means, there are folk methods aimed at combating pollution. To remove ballpoint pen marks from a shirt, it is recommended to try the following methods:

  1. Ammonia and acetone. The ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. The prepared solution is slightly heated. The area with the stain is pumped into the mixture. Place a towel on the ironing board and place the shirt on top. Having covered the product with gauze, run the iron over the surface several times. Finally, the product is washed as usual.
  2. Ammonia and peroxide. Both ingredients are taken in an amount of 5 ml and added to a glass filled with warm water. After stirring the solution, dip a cotton pad into it.Then wipe the stain until it disappears completely.
  3. Glycerol. They process the required area. The salt is then mixed with the washing powder and dissolved in water. Soak the shirt in the resulting liquid. You need to wait until the ink traces become pale and rinse the product well.
  4. Talc. They need to sprinkle the stain. If talc is not available, you can replace it with table salt. After applying the product, apply a few drops of lemon juice on top. Rub the mixture thoroughly into the stain. After some time, clean the shirt from the mass.
  5. Chalk. It needs to be crushed and the resulting powder applied to the stain. The fabric is covered on top of the flights and a load is placed on it. Leave the product for several hours, then shake off the chalk particles.
  6. Vinegar. Table 9% is suitable for use. Can be replaced with acetic acid. First, vinegar is heated to 60 degrees and applied to the ink mark using napkins or cotton wool. Leave for 10 minutes.
  7. Baby cream. The remedy is very unusual. The greasy composition allows you to get rid of ink. However, there is a risk of greasy marks appearing on the fabric. You can get rid of them with regular washing. The cream should be applied to the dirty area. After a while it is removed.

Important! Vinegar has an aggressive effect on the skin and respiratory tract. Therefore, be sure to use gloves and a mask when using this component.

Reference! The final stage of each of the described methods is washing the product as usual.

Methods for removing gel pen stains from a white shirt

Removing stainUnlike a ballpoint pen, a gel pen is easier to remove from shirt fabric. The following effective methods exist:

  1. Alcohol. First, wipe the stain with a sponge or towel dipped in water.The shirt is placed on a towel. A cotton swab is dipped in alcohol and the area with the blot is treated. Hold the cotton pad on the stain for a while to completely dissolve the ink. After finishing the treatment, wash the shirt.
  2. Acetone. Nail polish remover will also work. Do not use this method to clean delicate fabrics. The algorithm of actions is similar to the previous description. First, remove as much of the stain as possible with water. Then acetone is applied to the cotton wool and the desired area is treated. Be sure to try the thing after.

Can stain removers and bleaches be used to remove ink from a white shirt?

Stain removersIf the stain is old, you can use a special stain remover or bleach to get rid of it. But everything should be done carefully so as not to harm the product. The selected product is applied to the dirty area, and then the shirt should be washed. If the bleach contains bleach, it is recommended to dilute it with water. It is better not to use such products for delicate fabrics.

Unusual ways to remove ink stains from a white shirt

MilkThere are very original and quite effective means to combat pen stains. Among them:

  1. Milk. It is required to soak the product in this product. You can generously moisten the contaminated area with milk and leave for at least 30 minutes. After a maximum of an hour, you should wash your shirt. You can also use sour milk, but only for fresh stains. The area with the ink mark is dipped into a glass of milk and left for a while.
  2. Hair fixation spray. You should spray it heavily onto the area to be treated and wait a couple of seconds. Then everything is stretched with a sponge. First, place a napkin under the stain on the shirt. This will allow the excess varnish to be absorbed.
  3. Toothpaste. Apply a certain amount to the stained area and rub lightly. Then the paste should be washed off.

Fresh dirt is much faster and easier to remove, so don’t delay washing. Before using any product, you should test it on a small piece of fabric.

Do not immediately immerse the product in hot water, otherwise you will not be able to remove the pen marks.

Reviews and comments
A Alyona:

Ink is usually difficult to remove when the stain has already set in.


