Which side are the buttons on men's clothing?

On men's and women's items, the buttons are located on different floors. You put on a guy’s shirt, reach for the usual fastener, and the buttons are located on the other side. And the thing is fastened in the opposite direction. It’s unusual, inconvenient, but nothing can be done. Why this was done - let's figure it out together.

Which side are the buttons on men's clothing?

which side of the button is it on?Strict differences in button fastening can be observed not only on shirts. There are also buttons on opposite hems of coats, jackets, cardigans and other similar items. On women's wardrobe items, the buttons are located on the left. Accordingly, the item is wrapped on the left side. In men's clothing, everything is exactly the opposite.: buttons are placed on the right, and the item is fastened on the right side. You can remember the differences using the following phrase: “a man has such a smell that he can take a dagger out from under his clothes with his right hand.”

Important! It is interesting that differences are observed not only in the case of buttons, but also with zippers.The tongue on men's clothing is on the right side.

Why are these differences with women's clothing necessary?

There are several versions of why men's clothes are buttoned to the left. All of them “go back” to ancient times and are more guesswork than proven facts. However, each of them has the right to exist. For example:

  • men's and women's shirtsin Medieval Europe, rich ladies dressed up with the help of maids. It turns out that in relation to the other person the clasp was placed on the right, and for the lady herself - on the left. Men, including nobles, always dressed themselves, and therefore it was more convenient for them to button up to the right;
  • according to another version, the majority of males participated in hostilities. Using the right hand, it was easier to get a dagger or other weapon from under the coat tail. In addition, frozen fingers could be comfortably warmed by placing them in the scent;
  • Previously, it was believed that it was more convenient for a woman to feed the baby with her left breast and also hold it on the left, so that she could perform other household chores with her right hand. Also, the right hollow shirt or dress could be used to protect the child from cold drafts. A man didn’t need such tricks, so the clasp was on the convenient side.

At the moment, all versions are far in the past. Nowadays, the arrangement of buttons on the right on men's clothes is a tribute to tradition, and not a mandatory element of the structure of clothing.

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