Secrets of washing linen clothes

Linen clothing is known for its practicality and durability. Linen is highly breathable, so this summer clothing allows the skin to breathe. The material is also considered environmentally friendly. The fabric, which allows you to feel comfortable, retains its qualities with proper care. If washed incorrectly, linen can not only shrink, but also lose some of its properties.. To ensure that your products retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for caring for flax.

Secrets of washing linen clothes

How to prepare linen items for washing

Before washing linen clothes, read the information on the label. The recommended temperature and drying conditions are indicated there.

Attention! It is better to wash linen separately from other fabrics. When washing, separate colored items from light-colored items!

Another important rule: don’t hoard dirty laundry! The longer it sits, the more difficult it is to remove dirt and stains later. In addition, when stored, an unpleasant odor is formed, which will be difficult to remove with conventional means.


How to wash linen items by hand

Best when washing linen use soft water. To soften hard water, just add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Laundry soap

The easiest way to wash linen clothes by hand is to add laundry soap to the water.


It's done like this.

  • Pour warm water into a basin.
  • Rub 50–100 g of laundry soap.
  • Add 1 teaspoon salt.

This simple recipe will eliminate the need for automatic washing: Soap is great for removing stains.

Attention! If the product sheds a lot, then wash without adding salt!


There are other ways to wash linen by hand. For example, using soda ash.

soda ash

It creates an alkaline environment and is an excellent substitute for powder. Only the temperature should not be lower than 60 degrees.


Regular table salt will cope with dirt no worse than chemical agents. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations.


  • Soak linen products, then remove from the basin.
  • Add salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  • Let the salt dissolve.
  • Place the items back into the basin for 1 hour.


If you still decide to use detergent, then liquid is suitable: it dissolves better in water.


After washing this way rinse thoroughly linen products in plenty of water. It is also recommended to add conditioners and balms. This will make the fabric soft.

Machine washable linen clothes


The first thing to remember when machine washing is the gentle cycle. Choose a mode "Delicate fabrics" or "Hand wash".

delicate wash

Attention! When in contact with water, flax swells, so the drum should only be filled 2/3 full.


To determine the temperature regime, just look at the tag in the inner seam of the clothing.

  • White products recommended to wash at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees.
  • For colored clothes the best option is 30–40 degrees.


Important! If tiny particles of the chemical remain in the linen fabric, the quality of the linen will deteriorate. Therefore, when machine washing, be sure to turn on the extra rinse function.


Any detergent for natural fabrics is suitable for washing linen clothes. Just do not use aggressive substances that can destroy the structure of the canvas.

Important! To prevent the product from becoming deformed, it is not recommended to twist or wring it before drying.

Unusual products for eco-friendly laundry

In addition to liquid detergents, there are many options for washing linen items.

  • horse chestnut. Before use, peel it, dry it and grind it. Then add it to a container of hot water. Abundant foam appears, which has cleaning properties. When machine washing, chopped chestnuts are poured into a bag and placed in the drum.
  • Soap nuts. The fruits of the soap tree have become a popular remedy today. They are first wrapped in a bag and added to the laundry.
  • Mustard. Usually 50 g per wash is enough.

If you need to remove stains

To clean heavily soiled areas and remove stains, you need to know little tricks.

stain removal

Laundry soap

Regular laundry soap will help remove stains. To do this, take a dark bar (72%) of soap and rub the fabric with it. After 10 minutes, the product is washed completely.

Stain remover

For white and light linen A stain remover or bleach based on active oxygen is suitable.

stain remover

Reference! These products should not contain chlorine or acids. They can have a detrimental effect on fabric fibers.


Now let's talk about stains of various origins. If it is needed remove grease stain, talc will come to your aid.


The action is carried out in several stages.

  • The stain on the linen product is sprinkled with talcum powder.
  • Cover the top with a napkin or thin towel.
  • Place paper under the stain from the inside out.
  • Iron with a hot iron.
  • Wash in the usual way.


Many stains (for example, blood, grass) can be easily removed with ammonia.


It is added to cold water (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass) and the contaminated area of ​​​​fabric is dipped into the solution for a couple of minutes.

How to dry and iron linen

The care procedure is completed by drying and ironing the clothes.


  • The basic rule is to dry flax outdoors or indoors with good circulation air.
  • It is also important avoid direct sunlight.
  • Not less important avoid drying out fabrics. Therefore, you should remove wet linen items and immediately begin ironing.
  • The iron should be moderately hot, It is advisable to use steam mode.
  • The ironing process itself is carried out through thick fabric using a humidifier.
  • Final drying is carried out on a horizontal surface.

By following these rules for caring for clothes made from natural linen, you can avoid shrinkage and maintain color and quality.

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