Scarf trick

Since ancient times, the performances of illusionists have been in demand among children's audiences. Adult spectators also watch with admiration the magic performances of magicians. One of the simplest but most amazing performances is the scarf trick. Thanks to a specially selected trick, each new number attracts with mystery and fascinates with mysticism.

Scarf trick

What is the scarf trick for?

Illusionists work tirelessly to create new programs. They charge every person with positive energy. Masters in their shows use various elements, which become an attribute of the trick. One such item is a scarf.

Scarf around the neck

This stylish clothing accessory is found in every home. However, few people know that with its help you can organize an unusually fabulous performance and become a real magician.

Having independently mastered simple tricks, each person can easily surprise relatives at home, work colleagues with a magic trick, or become the center of attention at a party.Thanks to an ordinary scarf, you can make your childhood dream come true and become a magician.

Brief description of the scarf trick

Scarf around the neckWhen an illusionist appears on stage in a suit and with a scarf around his neck, the intrigues of the upcoming show begin to arise in the mind of every viewer. The action happens as follows:

  • Both ends of the accessory are hidden inside the jacket, but after a moment the magician quickly and quietly removes it, beginning to control this item.
  • One end is in the hands of the maestro, while the other seems to come to life. The mystical attribute begins horizontal movements, after which it rises.
  • There is a feeling that the soft material is turning into a plastic toy, which immaculately repeats all the movements of the hand, as if ordered.
  • The magician continues the performance in which the scarf obediently follows the movements of the hand to the right and left.

Finally, the wardrobe element returns to its original position and becomes soft again. The host of the program number takes the upper end of the attribute and calmly wraps it around the neck or arm.

How to do a trick with a scarf around your neck

Absolutely anyone can perform this trick, the main thing is to follow the rules and have the skill. The main elements of the presentation are:

  • scarf;
  • construction tape.

Construction tape

It is thanks to her presence that you can easily control a piece of clothing, presenting a fabulous show to the audience. A centimeter is sewn inside the prop, which repeats the movements of the hand, tilting the product in different directions. Therefore, by pulling one end, the illusionist can easily control the other at a distance.

Before the show, you need to train for a long time in front of the mirror in order to quickly and efficiently perform the movements.

IMPORTANT! Knowing the basic rules, even a beginner can easily perform this trick. But don’t forget about training, on which almost the entire focus depends.

Tips for preparing a trick

ScarfPerforming a trick, even the simplest one, requires some preparation and training. Even professionals, in order to surprise the public, prepare for months and follow a number of established instructions:

  1. A real master must be able to keep the intrigue in front of the viewer, so in no case should you tell the plot of the show and its denouement. If the visitor knows all the intricacies of the trick, interest in itself will disappear and the illusionist will not receive a sensation from his performance.
  2. The next step in preparation is thorough training. Practicing your actions will help you become a real professional in this matter. Experienced masters advise practicing daily in front of a mirror, where you can clearly see your actions and eliminate shortcomings.
  3. The speech and gaze of the magician play an important role. They must complement the image and captivate the viewer with intrigue, so training is needed here too. It is recommended to talk to your reflection every day near the mirror, while simultaneously practicing your magical gaze. Constant work on yourself will very soon bring significant success.
  4. Another important fact for novice masters is the measure of action. Professionals never make concessions to guests and do not show the same trick twice in the program. If you want to prove yourself in a friendly company, you can get by with one trick or learn several different simple numbers and entertain your guests throughout the evening.

REFERENCE! The interested audience must be constantly guessing and eagerly awaiting the end of the performance, while making their own assumptions about the methods of completing the ongoing actions.

Scarf for trick

To become a professional magician you need to train a lot and have iron patience. Not all tricks work the first time. For a career as a novice magician, it is not necessary to have expensive requisites. It’s enough just to be able to amuse and intrigue the audience.

A simple trick with a scarf, which you can easily practice at home yourself, will always be appropriate at a corporate party or in a family circle. Even young viewers don’t mind watching the fairy-tale show. By demonstrating such a performance, the magician will always be the life of the party and the audience's favorite.

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