How to wash a wool scarf?

The most preferred accessories for the winter season are scarves made of natural wool.

They are soft, beautiful and unusually warm, perfectly protecting from winter frosts, ensuring comfortable movement along the street. However, such delicate things require careful and careful care. In order not to spoil the product, you need to have an idea of ​​the basic rules for washing and cleaning items made of woolen thread.

wool scarf

How to wash a wool scarf so that it does not become deformed?

Neck accessories, as a rule, get dirty a little and do not require frequent washing.

wool scarf

But sooner or later this procedure will still have to be carried out. The peculiarity of natural wool is this. That in its original form, a product made from it is very soft, bright and elastic, but after 1–2 illiterate washes, the thing becomes elastic, decreases in size, loses its color and softness. Such a scarf can then be thrown into the trash. That is why you need to know about the basic rules for washing delicate items.

To prevent washing from damaging the product, it must be done manually in cool water. This is the only way to be sure that the scarf will retain its properties and quality. To carry out the procedure you will need:

wool scarf washable

  • spacious basin;
  • mild detergent for delicate items or shampoo;
  • clean terry towel;
  • rinse conditioner;
  • cotton sheet.

Woolen items are usually dyed with gentle dyes, so they can stain heavily during washing. This indicates that only one item of natural hair can be washed in one water.

Competent and correct use of the necessary products will help you quickly and safely wash a wool scarf, while preserving all its properties and beauty.

Violation of the washing technology will lead to the product losing its attractiveness.

How to wash a scarf in a washing machine?

machine washable

In rare cases, automatic machine washing is allowed. However, in this case, you should definitely use special detergents and set the device’s operating mode to “delicate.”

Some modern models have an additional mode for washing items that are difficult to care for or items made from natural wool, and this should be selected.

In addition, the number of revolutions during rinsing should be set to a minimum.

If possible, you should completely eliminate spinning in the machine and simply lay out the washed item on a large terry sheet. Under no circumstances should you wring out the item., otherwise it will completely lose its appearance. It should also be kept in mind that You can only wash one wool item at a timeso that they don’t stain each other in the process.

How to wash by hand?

To wash a product by hand, you need to first prepare the entire set of necessary tools and get to work:


  • into the pelvis are recruiting hot water from the tap and dissolve a special shampoo for wool in it;
  • after that you need dilute water until “summer” or cool, this is important to preserve the original appearance of the product;
  • soak wool scarf in the prepared solution;
  • wash off stains and dirt;
  • rinse, changing the water several times, you can add a special conditioner in the final rinse;
  • squeeze out using a sheet, wrapping a scarf in it and slowly pressing;
  • dry in a horizontal position, laying on a thick terry towel.

Woolen items are usually washed very easily, so do not rub, stretch or wring too hard during the process, as this can lead to significant deformation of the item.

Tips for wool scarf owners

wool scarf image

To keep the wool soft, housewives have always used vinegar, adding a little during the last rinse. Today, this home remedy can easily be replaced with a special one. softening conditioner for woolen items. In addition, it should be remembered that the thing cannot be washed with regular soap, this will cause the scarf to lose its softness.

Iron Wool is not recommended; it is better to simply dry it on a terry towel and fluff it slightly after that. Items should always be washed separately from other items so as not to spoil their external qualities.

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