How to make a turban from a scarf on your head

TurbanThe world of headwear fashion has always loved something extraordinary and provocative. A variety of hats, berets, and caps have always amazed us with their shapes and extravagance. In this series, the turban occupies one of the places of honor due to its simplicity and many options for implementing the plan.

How to make a turban on your head from a scarf

There are several ways to tie a scarf on your head to create a classic turban in folk style: Afghan, African, Indian or Turkish. One thing unites them, the scarf should be quite long, at least two meters.

Turban in native Afghan style

This headdress came to us from the east, so this option deserves to be the first

Afghan style turban

  1. We place the middle of the scarf on the forehead, bring the edges back, where we twist them into strands.
  2. Next, we wrap the resulting strands around the entire head, twisting them onto each other.
  3. We make two or three turns (as far as the length of the base allows).
  4. We hide the ends under the material.

African style

This method is suitable if you have thick hair, then the turban will turn out to be tall. The hair will need to be pulled back into a ponytail.

African style turban

To create an image you need:

  1. Cover your head with a scarf, cross its ends in front, then pull them back.
  2. There, having crossed them, bring them forward again, cross them above the initial cross, put them on the back of the head and tie them.
  3. Gather all excess into the folds of the resulting turban.

Unusual turban in Indian style

Indian style turbanIn this case, we wrap the cloth around the back of the head, directing the ends forward, where we cross them in the forehead area. We return them back, starting to wrap the head, heading towards the top of the head. There we tie, straighten and hide the ends under the resulting headdress.

Tying a turban in Turkish

On a note!

This method has been traditionally used by Muslim women for several centuries.

Cover your hair with a cloth and throw a scarf or stole over your head, like a hood.

Turban in Turkish

  1. We cross the ends at the back and bring them forward.
  2. Cross in front a couple of times (you should get two loops).
  3. Next, we put the ends back and tie them.
  4. It is better to put the resulting small tails under the fabric, and the rest can be left outside.

How to make a turban from a scarf in a romantic style

When you want to give yourself a sophisticated, romantic look, it is easy to do in the following ways.



If you have long hair, divide it into two equal parts. We place the middle of the scarf above the back of the neck, and twist the hair around it to the fullest possible length. We fix the ends with hairpins. We lay out the resulting strands above the ears to the forehead, cross them and return them back. We twist the fabric there, then do the same in front. We remove the hairpins and tie a knot at the back, hiding it under the turban.

  • Second:

Place the middle of the scarf on the side of the head, tying a knot on the opposite side, at the temple. We twist the ends into a bundle, roll it into a spiral, like a flower, and secure it with bobby pins. Ready!

As you can see, a beautiful turban can be made even from an ordinary scarf. The main thing is not to forget about your imagination.

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