Is it possible to wear shorts to school?

shorts as a school uniformOne of the most popular and fashionable things Nowadays - shorts. They are worn by almost different categories of people: from the youngest to the older generation.

This piece of clothing creates many stylish looks. And most importantly, it is very comfortable for everyday life, especially in warm weather.

Despite the convenience, you can’t appear in fashionable shorts everywhere. In some establishments, wearing them is undesirable or completely prohibited.

These places include general education institutions.

The question of the compatibility of short trousers with school uniforms has been raised more than once.

Let's look at the topic in more detail.

Is it possible to wear shorts to classes in a Russian school?

Who dictates the rules

Adults whose families do not have students are perplexed. Some children rush to classes in uniform, while children go to another school in casual clothes. The explanation for this lies in legal norms.

Important! In June 2014, the legislative act of June 4 was adopted. 2014 No. 148-FZ “On amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.It regulates all aspects related to the introduction of school uniforms.

Basic provisions on the topic of interest to us.

  • school decision on uniformFinal decision, to wear or not to wear a uniform, accepted by the educational institution.
  • The internal regulations and the Charter are documents where the decision is enshrined.
  • The school may not impose a uniform, but determine what should students wear? during classes, for example, a plain top, business style.
  • In this local act exclusion of certain things may be prescribedeg shorts, miniskirts, flip-flops and flip-flops, etc.
  • The document is accepted taking into account the opinions of parents and students, who must be asked before adopting this act.
  • If parents or students do not want to agree to accept a uniform or restrict the wearing of certain items, they must inform management and process it accordingly.

Is it possible to come to class in shorts?

There is currently no definitive opinion on whether it is possible to wear shorts when going to school.

All participants in the educational process have their own opinion about attending classes in shorts.


administration for strict uniformThe management of the institution requires ensuring the proper appearance of students and in most cases does not approve wearing shorts to school.

In the same time Sometimes (hot climate, significant increase in air temperature) director and head teachers don't mind, if girls or elementary school students come to lessons in long breeches or strict-looking Bermudas.


Guys, on the contrary, love very much this type of clothing and often simply do not understand why they cannot be worn to school.


shorts are comfortableIn adults opinion about this divided.

Alone they think that shorts are too decent clothes for school, especially when it’s hot outside and there’s no need to wear pants.

Other are convinced that school uniforms should be introduced in educational institutions, clothing should be more formal, and shorts are not allowed.

Reference. If there is no specific prohibition on shorts in the Charter or Internal Rules, students can, if desired, come to school in business style models.

In gym class

In physical education, the attitude towards shorts is somewhat different. In the gym or stadium you are allowed to exercise only in special uniform.

If the shorts are not classic, but sports, they can be included in it. In this case they are allowed to do physical exercise.

shorts for gym

Restrictions can only be by lenght. Products that are too short will not work; longer models will be needed to avoid abrasions during exercise, especially on the knees.

Weather conditions also affect clothing. It may be chilly outside during exercise. In this case, the administration may prohibit wearing short clothes for physical education in order to exclude the possibility of catching a cold.

At extracurricular events

shorts after schoolWhen holding extracurricular activities at school, many also have a question: is it possible to come in your favorite clothes, because school time is over. In search of an answer, you will again have to look at the documents.

Reference! If the local act of the institution states that it is prohibited to wear shorts at all in an educational institution, then they cannot be worn to an extracurricular event.

If it is prohibited to wear certain things only during class hours, then after classes you can be at school in clothes chosen at your discretion.

Shorts and school fashion

classic shorts for schoolTo school wear any shorts, even if they are not officially prohibited, it’s still it is forbidden.

There are a large number of different models of shorts.

When visiting an educational institution, it is recommended to wear classic styles or shorts-skirt. Their formal appearance and business style are most suitable for lessons.

For physical education can be worn sports models, they do not restrict movement and are most suitable for active activities.

Abroad: shorts as part of the school uniform

If you are changing your place of residence or your child has entered an internship program in another country and he will have to study at a foreign school, you need to take care of his appearance.

English schoolchildren in shortsIn foreign schools there is also such a thing as “school uniform”. In many countries, shorts are part of the school uniform in warmer seasons.


For a long time it was forbidden to wear them to school, even in the heat, but recently official permission to wear them has been introduced.


They have long been included in school uniforms, and with them special panama hats.

Sri Lanka

sri lanka shorts at schoolFor boys, the uniform includes blue shorts, which must be changed to white on holidays. This is one of the few countries that mandates the official wearing of shorts to school. Until the 7th grade, boys are not allowed to wear trousers; only shortened versions are allowed.


Shorts are a common attribute of student clothing.


Bright burgundy pants fit perfectly into the business look of primary school students.

Cuba schoolchildren in shorts

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