Shorts and knee socks - how to look stylish, not like a pioneer

Knee socks + shorts = pioneer combination? Three times "ha"! If you still think so, look at these photos and convince me that only children can dress like this.

Shorts and knee socks - how to look stylish, not like a pioneerexamplesexamples

Hard-working designers have come up with such an abundance of different types of shorts and knee-high socks for us - all kinds of shapes, colors and materials, that just the options for combining them with each other can go crazy! And if you add shoes to this, and even outerwear, and all sorts of accessories, oh-oh-oh...

I’ll try to put the roof back in place and share with you the beautiful - the most stylish combinations, of course, supported by beautiful photographs.

How to make the combination “shorts + knee socks” stylish

As I already said, there are a lot of options, but first, let’s decide who such a “pioneer” might be suitable for. Are 90-60-90 required? But what about the endless aunts Lyuba and women Zina, is it possible for them?

Who is the combination suitable for?

Yes, aunts Lyubas are allowed, and women Zins are allowed, and they don’t even have to have model parameters! It is enough to follow a few rules.

  • Whatever needs to be hidden, we hide it! Fortunately, the combination of “shorts + knee socks” allows this. After all, only a small strip of the leg is open in it, which can be wider or narrower, higher or lower, and this makes us dance narrower.
  • Accordingly, we hide full hips with long shorts, and select knee socks exactly to size. Otherwise, a squashed leg with a layer of uh-uh-mmm... skin hanging on top will evoke associations with dough that has escaped from the pan. Bulky wool or knit models are your friends!
  • Don't like the shape of your knees? Higher socks - and go!
  • Too skinny legs? May the light colored knee socks with horizontal stripes be with you.
  • Happy owner of an inverted triangle figure? Flatten your skinny thighs with wide shorts.
  • Short-legged people can rejoice in the existence of knee socks with vertical stripes, and if you add heels to them, then watch out for being a top model!

REFERENCE! This combination has no restrictions not only for bodies and ages, but also for clothing styles. Casual, preppy, sporty, grunge, boho, romantic - he can do it all! And even the seasons are not a barrier - you can wear them with warm tights even in winter.

Which socks to choose

They can be classified by length (below, above the knee or mid-length) and by material (cotton, nylon, wool, lace or mesh). And any ANY of them can be combined with shorts. See for yourself.

There you are black jersey with jeans.

black jersey with jeans

There you are light wool version.

light wool version

Here are some more options, including midi length with fabric and leather shorts.

with leather shorts



What shorts can you wear knee socks with?

Well, you already understand, right? WITH ANYONE!

what shorts are suitablewhat kind of shortsshorts

Shoes and accessories to create a stylish look

Now with shoes it’s more interesting, because there are some nuances here. For example, there is such a pattern: the higher the heel, the more plain the knee socks should be. And, accordingly, vice versa: if you want crazy prints, choose flat shoes, boots or sports shoes to match them.

Now I’ll tell you about a super-mega trend. Simple magic: take black boots or shoes. We add to them exactly the same black tight knee socks. Pam! And we got boots! Well, of course, if you look closely, the deception will be noticeable, but that’s the point. After all, anyone who notices will understand that you didn’t just put on boots, but carried out some clever manipulations.

shoes and accessories

Another life hack for skinny people - slightly gathered knee socks hide excess thinness well and look simply charming.

for skinny people

Let me summarize. Shorts and knee socks are cool, sexy and not provocative. So I urge you: experiment, combine and move away from pioneer associations!

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