How to preserve furs out of season? In a fur coat refrigerator

Winter is over, the warm weather is no longer conducive to showing off outdoors in fur products. In this regard, happy owners of luxurious furs are puzzled by the correct storage of their precious part of the wardrobe. After all, a fur coat is not just a beautiful thing for winter, but a real investment. That is why it needs to be stored correctly so that the fur remains beautiful and silky for many years.

refrigerator for fur coats


Girls have long discovered the ability to store fur products in the freezer. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fit a fur coat into a regular one, which is built into the refrigerator. A chest freezer with a volume chamber is suitable.

The fur coat should not be folded too tightly, otherwise creases and damage to the pile may occur.

Before placing it in the freezer, the fur coat is thoroughly dried, the inside is lubricated with oil for elasticity, and after being hung on hangers and placed in a special case, it is placed in the freezer. You can fold a fur coat, but do not wring it several times.It is important to remember that periodically you will have to take out the fur coat and shake it, let it “breathe” a little before placing it in the refrigerator again.

fur coat storage

Cool closet, veranda or balcony

Let us immediately note that you should not store a fur coat on the balcony. As a rule, it is quite damp there and is regularly exposed to ultraviolet light. This will greatly harm the quality of the fur, even if the product is placed in a thick case.

A cool cabinet is a great alternative if you can’t put it in a special refrigerator or freezer. The main thing is that the humidity regime is maintained there and the rays of the sun and lamps are not exposed.

The veranda is also suitable if you find a really secluded corner for your fur coat. You will first have to pack it in a thick case. It should protect from adverse external influences, but at the same time freely allow fresh air to pass through.

On the Internet you will find a lot of options for an individual refrigerator for fur coats. If you have the financial opportunity to purchase it, it will be an excellent investment.

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