How to store a mink coat

Every woman in the world has ever dreamed of a fur coat. And a mink coat is the standard of beauty. More than once you have probably cast admiring and slightly envious glances at women in this expensive outfit. And how proud you were of the appearance of this product. But it’s one thing to possess it, and another thing to preserve it in its original form. In order to please your eyes and last as long as possible, you need to know how to store it correctly.

Storage during warm periods

storage during warm periodsThe season is over and it's time to put away your winter clothes. But in order for the mink not to deteriorate and to have the same appearance by next winter, it is necessary to create the right conditions for storage. Before packing and storing it in the closet, check for stains and any dirt. If there are any, take it to the dry cleaner so that all damage is removed from your “favorite”. After you take it back, do the following:

  • Ventilate the product in a dark, well-ventilated area, but do not forget to hang it on a hanger;
  • After the mink hangs there for a couple of days, be sure to brush it with a special fur brush;
  • Buttons and hooks must be fastened, and also check the product for wrinkles. If there are any, they need to be straightened out;
  • Pack it in a special bag made of natural fabric so that the fur coat can “breathe” the entire time it is there.

fur coat in a caseThe fur coat is packed, now we need to decide on the storage location. The ideal option would be a spacious wardrobe. But here there are some little things that need to be taken into account. Let's look at them:

  • Remove everything unnecessary from the closet so that nothing interferes or squeezes the product;
  • Do not expose to direct sunlight under any circumstances;
  • Storage temperature should be no higher than fifteen degrees Celsius;
  • The storage area must be ventilated from time to time so that the air does not stagnate;
  • To prevent moths, use aerosols and sachets;
  • Every 60 days it needs to be ventilated, but before that, be sure to shake it out.

Important. Make sure that there is no smell of chemicals or mothballs left in the closet, this can harm your clothes.

Storage while wearing

storage while wearingHere in Russia, winters are not constant, either very severe frosts and a lot of snow, or almost the entire season it is warm and there is constant wet snow. Not all weather is good for a mink coat, and you can’t wear it in wet weather.
After getting wet, the fur coat requires special attention. High humidity is detrimental to mink. What to do if you do get the product wet? Take action quickly! As soon as you get home, you need to dry it properly.

Attention. During drying, you cannot use any heating devices; mink fur is very afraid of this.

A natural process is best for drying mink. You need to do the following:

  1. Hang it on a hanger with wide hangers.
  2. Direct sunlight should not fall on the product.
  3. To remove water, shake the fur coat well.
  4. The fur must be combed with a special brush (they are sold in fur clothing stores).
  5. If your fur coat is very wet, you can blot it with a soft, clean cloth.
  6. Leave the mink to dry.

Daily care during wear

daily careEven though a fur coat is outerwear, you cannot and will not wear it every day, otherwise you will simply ruin it. When you go outside wearing a mink coat, try to avoid:

  • a large number of people;
  • places where chemical treatment against ice was carried out;
  • wet snow and high humidity;
  • if it is not possible to wear it outside (it is damp), then hang it on the balcony for air. The best option is a frosty evening, and during the day put it back in the closet away from the sun's rays.

The best weather conditions for your fur coat: frosty, dry air with some clouds.

Keep your pet clean and have it dry cleaned if necessary.

Storage recommendations

fur coat in a case
Store your fur coat in a dark, cool room, on wide, comfortable hangers. Make sure that your pet is not cramped and that nothing is lifting it up, otherwise it will wrinkle and lose its appearance. If you do not wear it for a long time, put it in a “breathable” case to protect it from dust and harmful sunlight. Place special sachets in your closet filled with aromatic herbs that can repel moths. Ventilate it from time to time and inspect it for damage.

Avoid the following prohibitions to keep your fur coat beautiful and neat for as long as possible:

  1. Never dry these clothes using electrical appliances.
  2. Try to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. They are very dangerous for fur.
  3. Carrying backpacks and shoulder bags is strictly prohibited.
  4. Do not spray perfume or other odorous substances on it.
  5. Do not pin any decorations, they will only ruin the fur.
  6. So, you see that caring for a mink is not that difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules for storing the product and be careful and careful when wearing it.

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