How to alter a mink fur coat

How to remake an old mink coatThe indisputable advantages of fur, in addition to beauty and grace, include practicality and comfort. When a fur product is worn out or no longer corresponds to fashion trends, you want to somehow remake it.

This applies most of all to mink coats. Almost any woman can remake such a fur coat with her own hands. Mink fur is very pliable and plastic. If desired, you can make quite original things out of it.

What can be made from an old mink coat?

Options for new products depend on how worn the item is. This is noticeable by the level of abrasions and bald patches on the elbows, shoulder seams and collar. For items that are heavily worn, the appearance of the hem noticeably deteriorates.

3 models of mink coatTo alter a mink coat, the entire product or its individual parts are suitable. You can turn a boring old thing into a new, no less stylish one.

Before starting work, it is necessary to tear off the lining and determine the quality and quantity of the remaining fur, including on the inside. Over time, the flesh (the tanned leather part of the skin) dries out. Because of this feature, seemingly ideal fur may turn out to be completely unsuitable for alteration.

Important! It is not recommended to use a line machine. It's so easy to spoil the flesh. If there is no furrier machine, all the necessary actions can be performed by hand. It is recommended to design the seam in such a way that it is 0.3 - 0.5 cm wide.

How to change the style of a mink coat?

Changing the style of a mink coatFirst, you should cut the product along the connecting seams into separate parts. If you pull the material towards yourself, it will be easier to rip. If the flesh has already noticeably dried out, it is not recommended to pull the skin too tightly when ripping it so that it does not tear. Each resulting part must be attached to the working surface and smoothed.

The next step is to repair the fur. You need to get rid of unsightly damaged areas and sew up any existing holes. Then make a pattern of the desired product using patterns and connect all the parts.

“Autoledi” style

A long old mink coat can make a great fashionable one. fur coat for car lady. The best option for car owners is a fitted fur coat that reaches the middle of the buttocks.

But the mini will perfectly complement the image.


Mink vest The ideal option would be jacket, if the fur coat is worn out by more than 30%, and its sleeves and sides are too damaged.

Advantage bolero jacket is that little fur is required to make it. A small children's fur coat is enough.

Mink fur vest

To make such a product, it is enough to remove the bottom, rip off the sleeves, after which you need to sew fur and lining in these places.

A leather belt will be an effective addition to an outfit with a fur vest.

Mixed fur coat with leather inserts

Mink coat with insertsThis thing can be made in the following ways.

  1. Unravel the fur horizontally into strips and prepare leather ribbons. Then sew fur and leather strips one by one.
  2. Use strips of leather as separate inserts. They can be placed on sleeves, pockets, waists and shelves.

Reference! It is recommended to clean a light fur coat before alteration to remove old stains and odors.

How to make original accessories?

Mink vestMink fur is excellent suitable for hats. It can easily make a kubanka hat or a beautiful beret. If necessary, the corresponding patterns can easily be found on the Internet. You can sew a fur hat with ties for a child or warm fur headphones, which will come in handy in the off-season as an original headdress.

An elegant solution would be elegant shawl. To make it, it is enough to cut the existing fabric into identical squares or rectangles and tie them with a hook. The parts must subsequently be joined by air knitting into a single openwork fabric.

There's more you can do capefrom a single piece of an old fur coat, if you can find a suitable one.

If you wish, you can make a chic accessory in retro style from an old, very worn or too short product - fur boa. A fur scarf of this type is perfect for both a coat and an evening dress.

Advice! The remains of the fur can be used to make original jewelry, or you can sew an elegant and practical muff from it, which will perfectly warm your hands during the cold season.

Advice from professionals

What can be made from an old mink coat?If there is not enough experience in such a matter to avoid irreversibly damaging the item, it is recommended to turn to professionals:

  1. If the fur coat is too short, this problem is quite easy to solve. You can lengthen such a product by inserting pieces of suede or leather at the waist and sleeves.
  2. Mink looks great combined with any other fur. You can get great options thanks to the contrast of shades or pile lengths.
  3. If the fur coat is still in excellent condition, but the owner is already quite tired of the existing model, you can update the product without altering it. Enough add suede, beads, leather or lace trim.
  4. In order for fur to retain its shine and beauty for a long time, it must be carefully and regularly cared for. It is better not to wear fur products in bad weather.

There are many different ways to use an old mink coat. You should not immediately get rid of an old product that has lost its former attractiveness. If used skillfully, this fur will last for quite a long time, turning into a new, useful and beautiful thing.

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