How to clean a mouton fur coat at home?

Dry cleaning of fur products is not cheap, and sometimes it happens that you get your fur coat dirty. Don’t worry, you can deal with pollution at home. Let's talk about methods for cleaning a mouton fur coat from stains, dirt, and yellowness.

Can it be cleaned at home?

Mouton fur coats on hangersTo answer this question, it is important to understand the extent of contamination. Suppose you slipped and fell into the mud while you were wearing a mouton fur coat. In this case, it is better to take the item to the dry cleaner. But superficial and simple stains can be dealt with at home.

What folk remedies should I use? What is not allowed?

The following can be used as folk remedies for cleaning mouton:

  • wheat bran;
  • ammonia;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • starch;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

It is strictly forbidden to use acetone and pure undiluted alcohol. Also, nail polish remover is not suitable for getting rid of stains.

Alcohol and vinegar are only suitable for dark-colored furs.

Do-it-yourself cleaning methods

There are several cleaning methods: dry and wet. Before you start removing dirt, make sure that the stains are not old or ingrained, otherwise none of the methods will work. In this case, the fur coat must be dry cleaned. Start processing with a small field. After making sure that everything is in order with the fur, move on.

Dry processing

cleaning a fur coat with a brushTo dry clean, you will need starch. Spread the fur coat on the floor, sprinkle starch evenly on the contaminated areas and massage it into the fur. The procedure can be repeated several times. If you see that the starch has turned gray, the cleaning process was successful. Remaining starch must be combed out of the fur with a brush.

Another method of dry processing is using bran. Heat them in the oven to 60–65 degrees, spread them over the fur, massage them, remove the residue with a brush. After cleaning, the product will acquire a natural shine. You can replace the bran with clean sand, but its residues are more difficult to remove from the fur.

Dry processing is only suitable for removing dust and excess fluff; unfortunately, it will not get rid of yellowness, greenery or stains. Drastic measures will be needed here.

Wet cleaning

cleaning a fur coat with vinegarWet cleaning involves applying special solutions to contaminated areas of fur. Products such as ethyl alcohol, ammonia, and vinegar are diluted in clean water. After which the solution is applied to the stains. The procedure must be carried out using a sponge, napkin or cotton pad. Apply the solution only to problem areas, avoiding contact with clean fur.. After the procedure, the fur coat should be dried and ventilated.Only after this is the product suitable for the next wear.

Removing stains

Ammonia and salt will help deal with greasy or greasy stains on the mouton. Mix 4 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia with 500 ml of clean water. Apply the mixture to the stain and blot thoroughly with a dishwashing sponge. Leave the solution for 10-15 minutes, then remove with a brush.

In addition, a soap solution works well with stains on the muton. Whisk the washing powder in water to form a thick foam. Apply it with a sponge to the stain and leave for a while. Remove this area with a cloth soaked in clean water. Let the product dry.

Getting rid of dirt

cleaning a fur coat with a sticky rollerSometimes fur products become heavily soiled. Don't despair, you can also try to deal with them yourself. You will need ethyl alcohol, vinegar and clean water. Divide them in equal parts. Hang the fur coat on hangers or spread it on a hard surface. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad or napkin to all contaminated areas. Brush out the remains. After this procedure, the product should dry in a ventilated area..

Eliminating the smell

A few simple steps will help get rid of the smell:

  • girl in a mouton fur coattake the fur coat out of the closet and hang it in a ventilated room, for example, on a balcony;
  • wash the cabinet with a soda solution, thoroughly wiping all corners and crevices;
  • ventilate the wardrobe for a couple of hours;
  • place scented pads with the scent of lavender or citrus in it;
  • hang the fur coat back in the closet and move the rest of the items apart so that the fur can breathe;
  • You can close the wardrobe doors after 30–40 minutes.

Do not use perfumes, deodorants or air fresheners to remove odors.

How to remove yellowness?

Most often, yellow spots appear on fur due to cigarette smoke getting into the pile. Ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and clean water can deal with yellowness on a fur item. Dilute them in the following proportion: a glass of water + a teaspoon of alcohol + ½ teaspoon of peroxide. Using a cotton pad or cloth, apply the solution to the yellowed fur, leaving clean areas untouched. After this, the fur coat should dry for 30 minutes. Remove the remaining solution with a brush.

How to remove greens?

fur cleaning productsUnfortunately, mouton products often have sleeves that turn green. You can get rid of greens using hydrogen peroxide. Dilute it in clean water in a 1:1 ratio and apply it to the fur with a cotton pad. Leave the fur coat to dry for 20–30 minutes, then remove any remaining peroxide with a brush. If the green tint remains, take the fur coat to the dry cleaner.

The nuances of cleaning a light fur coat

It is better to clean light fur using dry methods, but if the contamination is severe, you can use ammonia. Try to get rid of stains in small areas and only if the fur is not damaged, proceed to radical removal of dirt.

Experts advise taking light furs to the dry cleaner and not experimenting on your own.

How to update the lining?

cleaning the lining of a fur coatSometimes dirt appears not on the fur itself, but on the lining; you can deal with them yourself. If you are good at sewing, rip the lining, wash it in the washing machine and sew it back. Do you doubt your abilities? Use a simpler method. Turn the fur coat inside out, hang it on hangers and clean the stains with soap or soda solution. Remove any remaining solution with a clean, damp cloth. Dry the fabric thoroughly.

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