How to dye a fur coat at home?

The fur fades in the sun. Precipitation also affects its brightness. As a result, even the most expensive and high-quality fur coat begins to look shabby and old over time. Painting will help get rid of signs of wear.

Where to start painting at home?

comb your fur coatFirst, clean the fur: comb it, remove dust and other small debris. If you do not do this, foreign particles will not allow the paint to lay down evenly. Then choose the product you will work with. Remember that even the most durable options will only maintain a given color for 1 season. By the time the next one begins, there will be no trace left of the painting.

How can you dye fur?

Most often, housewives turn to either professional dyes designed for use on fur products, or regular hair dye. The latter will have to be purchased in large quantities. Especially if the pile is long, thick, and the fur coat is not a shortened model.

dyeing a fur coat with hair dyeAlso It is definitely worth conducting a compatibility test. Apply the purchased dye to an inconspicuous area of ​​fur. Follow the allotted time. Rinse it off. Wait a couple of days. If nothing bad happens to the item during this period and you are satisfied with the resulting shade, proceed with full-scale painting.

What is needed for the job?

List of items and materials that will be needed in the process:

  • salt, soda;
  • glycerin, ammonia;
  • specialized product for washing fur items;
  • water.

Self-painting algorithm

So, you need:

  1. fur coat before and after dyeingApply glycerin evenly to the underside of the skin;
  2. prepare a solution (3 parts salt, 1 part ammonia, 1 part detergent per liter of water, stir at the end and add a pinch of soda);
  3. lay the fur coat on a hard surface (preferably on an ironing board);
  4. secure the edges of the product so that the main part remains taut (use clothespins);
  5. Apply the home remedy evenly to the fur;
  6. allow to dry naturally (do not dry with a hairdryer or place on a radiator);
  7. After the fur coat is completely dry (not earlier), apply specialized paint to it. It is diluted with a reserve, since painting should be done with the same mixture. Another portion will, at least slightly, differ in composition. And this difference, imperceptible to the eye, will ultimately result in coloring of uneven intensity.
  8. Don’t forget about protective measures. You need to work with a brush or brush. You must wear protective gloves on your hands, otherwise the skin and nail plates will become stained (the effect is permanent). Chemical burns are also possible.

Before applying some types of paint, you will have to wet the fur. Just spray some water from a spray bottle.

Important nuances

When applying, try to cover all areas, don't miss anything, but move quickly. Otherwise, one part of the product will be painted better than the other. This will happen due to the different duration of exposure to pigments. If you have problems with the speed of completing tasks or have no experience, you should resort to a spray gun. Just don't bring it too close to the item of clothing. You need to spray from a distance (about 50 cm).

Important! If you use specialized paint sold in cans, you should spray it from a distance of 60–70 cm.

dyeing a white fur coat redAfter application is complete, let the paint sit for the required time. The waiting time depends on the active dyes, but usually the instructions say 30–45 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, rinse the fur coat in a vinegar solution and blot the pile with paper towels. This will remove any remaining paint.

Squeezing by hand, twisting, running sponges over the product or performing other manipulations aimed at speedy drying is prohibited. For this purpose, you can only use napkins.

The next step is optional, but recommended. Experienced housewives advise immediately after removing any remaining dye, apply a mask for colored hair to the undercoat. The best products are professional products that not only protect the color from being washed off, but also take care of the hair structure. Their effect will be noticeable within 2–5 minutes. After this time, rinse the clothes again.

How to dry it properly?

fur coat on a wooden hangerAfter all the work, the fur coat is placed on wide hangers that fit perfectly in size. It is also worth paying attention to what material the item is made of. Thin steel simply cannot withstand it and will bend from the weight of a damp fur coat, if it is, say, mink or sable fur.That is, there is no point in relying on the fact that the hanger has never been deformed under a fur item before, because up to this point the outerwear has always been dry.

Best option: durable wooden hangers. Place them together with a short fur coat in a warm room. Try to ensure that heating devices, if they are working, are as far away from the fur as possible. If you don’t have good hangers at hand, you can resort to another drying method.

Algorithm of actions:

  • let the water drain;
  • apply glycerin and set the direction of the pile, if necessary;
  • fold in half;
  • place on a hard, flat surface (fur should be on top);
  • place a well-absorbent cloth;
  • Periodically replace the absorbent cloth with a dry one.

At first you will have to do this every 1.5-2 hours, then the duration of the break will begin to increase. In general, drying a fur coat takes from 3 to 5 days. During this time, experts recommend combing the product and inspecting its undercoat for strange changes.

If bald spots, deformation or other defects appear, immediately seek help from a dry cleaner. Perhaps the fur can still be saved.

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