How to care for a mink coat?

All Russian women are divided into those who have a mink coat and those who dream of it. A fur coat is a welcome gift from a man, an indicator of status, a guarantee of attractiveness. After purchasing winter clothes made from natural fur, the urgent question is how to care for and store a fur coat. And then learn a number of rules:

  • girls in mink coatsdo not wear in sunny and warm weather;
  • do not wear in rain or sleet;
  • protect from abrasion - do not put your hands in your pockets, use a scarf or handkerchief around your neck.

Fur color may change as they age. This is especially noticeable on white specimens, which begin to turn yellow. When choosing a product, carefully inspect the model you like. After purchasing, keep it away from the sun and don’t even think about painting it yourself. With proper care, a mink product will serve its owner for ten years. Just follow simple recommendations to maintain its original appearance and quality.

How to store?

fur coat on a hangerA lot depends on the storage of a mink coat - the appearance, the shine and shimmer of the pile, the strength of the product.Hang on soft hangers so that the fur coat does not become deformed or sag. You can store it in a closet, in a separate case. The fur product should not be cramped in the closet; the mink loves space and air. It needs to be ventilated regularly, but not in bright sun. Summer ventilation is prohibited! Get a special brush for cleaning your fur coat to quickly bring it into adequate condition.

Preventing moths

moth on fur coatTake care of protection against moths in advance, before packing for storage. To prevent moths, you can buy special products and preparations in the supermarket. Before use, read the instructions - where and how to apply the product, where to place the sachet, how to open the capsule with the product. Usually sprays are applied to the product using a sprayer, but not in the case of mink. Do not spill or pour moth repellent onto natural fur! Sachets and capsules are opened and placed on a bar next to the fur coat or on a hanger on which the product hangs. The smells of lavender, lemon (citrus), and pine aromas are considered effective.

A folk remedy for moths is newspapers. They can be stuffed into sleeves, maintaining their shape, and they can be used to line the collar.

If there is a smell...

The musky smell from mink comes from several reasons:

  • the product is not stored correctly;
  • animal skins are poorly dressed;
  • the fur coat has absorbed foreign odors.

If the smell is neutral, you can leave it as is. But if it causes inconvenience, it must be eliminated. Don't spray perfume on your fur coat! Mixing perfume and the natural smell of a fur coat is unpredictable and can worsen the situation. The best option is to seek professional dry cleaning. An alternative at home is to tear off the lining and wash it with detergent. Air the fur coat itself for several days.Then connect all the parts of the product, sew the lining to the fur base. Another option is flavored bags or sachets. Sew them under the lining and wear them that way. If there are pockets, put the sachet there.

Which case to choose?

mink coats in different colorsDo not use plastic covers purchase a high-quality cover made of natural material for air access. This will preserve the mink coat for years and protect the inner skin (inner skin) from drying out. The cover should be made of dense material, but not narrow or tight. It is better to have a dark color and be opaque to protect against ultraviolet rays. The fur product should not be wrinkled; the fur should be stored flat.

How to clean a mink?

mink cleaningBuy a special brush for combing fur. With its help, the pile is straightened and does not allow it to cake. This can correct the situation with creases - on the sleeves, in the back, if you have to sit down in a fur coat. Do not sprinkle contaminants with semolina or starch. Leftover food will attract insects, which will take root and not want to leave. If dirt gets in, let it dry and it will easily fall off from the lint.

Don’t even think about using folk remedies that you heard about somewhere. This is fraught with irreversible damage to natural fur. The consequences of home experiments can be irreversible.

Brush the mink with a special brush; try removing light dirt with a dry sponge. You can also try a weak five percent hydrogen peroxide solution on a cotton pad for stains. The oil stain is removed using dry sawdust, which will absorb the grease. Sawdust can be removed with a napkin.

How to wear?

If you accidentally get caught in the snow, at home try to remove droplets from the product and dry the fur:

  • girl in minkshake the product to remove water droplets;
  • if there is too much moisture, blot the fur coat with a cloth, collecting the water;
  • use a hanger of the appropriate size - no more, no less;
  • do not dry in the sun;
  • Do not use a hair dryer or heater or battery. The drying process should be natural.

What should you not do when wearing?

  1. You cannot use the pockets of your fur coat for their intended purpose - do not put anything there and do not warm your hands in them. Bald patches will appear near the pockets, the fur will be dirty and worn.
  2. You cannot carry handbags on the crook of your elbow or on your shoulder - the consequences are similar.
  3. You cannot wear a fur coat in the rain or on a sunny day.

When is the best time to go to dry cleaning?

combing a mink coatSpecial treatment is necessary at the end of the winter season, before harvesting for storage. Professionals will select the method and means of cleaning a mink coat in accordance with the color and structure of the fur. Chemical treatment and proper care mean not only removing stains, but also restoring the structure and quality of the pile, as far as possible, near pockets, on the collar and in other places of abrasion.

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