How to choose a fur coat from a mouton

mouton fur coatIn order for your favorite item to retain its presentable and luxurious appearance for a long time and to keep you warm during the cold season, you need to take its choice seriously.

What qualities should a good mouton fur coat have?

quality mouton fur coatsThis name means treated sheepskin using a special technology, which consists of several stages (soaking in formalin with further dyeing). Due to this, a huge variety of shades is presented: from the lightest to the darkest.

The main advantages of a fur product made from mouton can be considered:

  • elegant appearance;
  • long service life (on average 10 seasons);
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance (can be safely worn in conditions of high humidity);
  • good thermoregulation;
  • nice price compared to other options for clothing made from mink, fox or sable fur.

Due to its excellent performance properties, a fur coat made from this type of fur is popular among the fair sex for everyday wear.

How to choose the right mouton fur coat

Mouton fur coatIt is recommended to purchase outerwear in trusted brand stores or specialized stores that have a well-deserved reputation.


Manufacturers of quality products provide all the information about the composition and care recommendations. A mandatory requirement is neatly sewn labels and labels. Also, the store must provide you with a quality certificate and warranty card. Otherwise, this is a fake.

What parameters should you pay special attention to?

choosing a fur coat from a moutonThe condition of the mesdra can be assessed using hearing: when squeezing a small area under the hem, there should be no rustling sound reminiscent of the sound from plastic bags. The presence of cod indicates that the skin was very dry.

mouton fur coatAlso worth evaluating using the sense of smell: The presence of a sharp and unpleasant odor is unacceptable. Minor foreign odors can be eliminated by ventilation.

good mouton fur coatTo prevent troubles from happening during rain or sleet, It is important to check the quality of the paint. To do this, just rub any area with a white handkerchief. If a high-quality and safe dye was used, there will be no traces left on the napkin.


Smooth seams, high-quality fittings, well-fastened buttons, and the absence of protruding threads are signs of excellent fur clothing.

If you cannot detect seams, then most likely an adhesive manufacturing method was used, which cannot be called reliable and correct. The color of the lining should be harmoniously combined with the shade of the product. It is worth paying attention to the lining material: in a decent model it is made of satin fabric.

Expert advice on how to choose a good mouton fur coat

tips on how to choose a fur coatBy studying the appearance, you can learn a lot about the quality of a thing. There are several standard tests that can be performed immediately before purchasing in a store. They are quite simple and do not require additional funds.

  • Run a slightly wet palm over the surface of the fur coat; the presence of hairs on your hand indicates poor quality material, during the production of which the processing technology was violated.
  • If, when stroking against the pile, the hairs prick or break unpleasantly, it is better to avoid this model.
  • Also, you should not choose a product whose surface, after compression, takes a long time to restore to its previous appearance.


The length of the pile will determine how warm this outerwear will keep you warm in winter. The optimal length is considered to be from one centimeter.

Considering the tips discussed above, you can safely go in search of a quality fur coat. And thanks to the many color options, every fashionista will be able to choose the ideal model.

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