The most expensive fur coat in the world

40496064_310613956409940_5797495162122950720_nWho would argue that one of the main attributes emphasizing the status of a modern lady, her financial and social status, as well as the presence of a unique style, is a fur coat? From time immemorial, in addition to its main purpose, to warm and protect from severe cold, a high-quality fur coat was considered an element of luxury and not every owner could afford to have more than several products in her wardrobe; even the presence of one model distinguished a woman favorably in society.

What is the most expensive fur coat in the world made of?

To implement it, 60 skins of Barguzin sable, a representative of one of the most valuable furs, were needed. Rich dark color, silvered with natural gray hair, the fur shimmers with a blue glow in the spotlight. It was thanks to these properties that Lagerrfeld chose Barguzin sable to create his most expensive fur coat.

In order to achieve a lunar glow, the fur was subjected to additional processing, as a result of which it is impossible to take your eyes off the magical shimmer.Divine beauty, worth several helicopters, can decorate your wardrobe if you have an extra million euros.

Fur coat

What is the cost of the most expensive fur coat?

What would be your surprise when you see a fur product? worth 1,000,000 euros? Do you think this doesn't happen? Not at all. Moreover, everyone can get aesthetic pleasure while watching the show of the Fendi fashion house, where this exclusive model is presented.

Attention! One of the majestic couturiers of our time, the incredibly impressive Karl Lagerrfeld, left behind a creation that no one, so far, can surpass.

Undoubtedly, the most expensive fur coat in the world, created by the maestro of style, is rightfully a decoration of the Fendi design house.

Both in the past and now, a fur coat is not an item of everyday demand, and the variety of designer models has long destroyed all the boundaries of established opinion regarding its appearance.

Fur coat

Of course, every fashionista wants to have the most stylish, extravagant and, of course, the most expensive fur coat in the world. Well, in order to defeat everyone in one fell swoop, even if only in their dreams.

Fur leaders in global sales

Well, which model is of particular value and what kind of work of art is it? This question, although for the sake of curiosity, perhaps interests all representatives of the fair sex. Let's try to clarify.

Despite the growing popularity of the European movement, “Green World,” which calls for preserving the world in its pristine beauty and not neglecting the safety of flora and fauna for personal purposes, to this day, products made from natural fur are in first place in the hierarchy of fashion goods. The geniuses of the fashion industry bend over backwards to conquer the catwalks with exotic and eccentric solutions.Here, mink short fur coats, sable coats, products made from fox and chinchilla, all kinds of colors and styles, drive the owners of noble style crazy.


Reference! But, despite the abundance of designer creations, according to the dynamics of sales of fur products, for several years now clothing made from lynx fur has held the lead.

One of the most unique and elite materials, lynx fur is valued for its uniqueness. Truly exclusive works of art are in high demand and have high prices. The price for such a fur coat starts from $10,000 and can reach several dozen.

This trend is explained by the fact that the lynx is an exclusively wild animal and with the population declining, shooting of individuals is practically prohibited. Plus, only delicate belly fur is used to sew the designer model for display. White, with luxurious natural specks of a dark shade, it retains its original appearance for a long time and does not go out of fashion.

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