Beaver fur coat: what kind of fur is this?

Over the past few years, beaver fur coats, vests, jackets and short fur coats have increasingly appeared on the shelves of fur salons. What kind of animal is this?

What kind of beaver fur?

beaver fur coat modelsMany people believe that the beaver is a type of beaver, but this is a misconception. Beaver is the fur of a specially bred Rex rabbit breed in Spain; it is also called a chinchilla rabbit. This fur is distinguished by its density and pleasant color, as well as its special softness compared to the fur of a regular rabbit.

Pros and cons of fur

Bobrik is especially popular among fashionistas, and for good reason. Among the advantages of this fur are the following:

  • brown beaver fur coatpleasant shine, pleasing to the eye;
  • good pile density;
  • high wear resistance of fur;
  • the beaver fur coat is very soft and cozy;
  • fur has high elasticity;
  • pleasant softness;
  • simplicity and sophistication.

There are practically no downsides to this fur.Owners of the products note that a beaver fur coat is only warm up to -25 degrees Celsius; for colder winters it is suitable or requires wearing more warm clothes inside. The wear resistance of such fur is quite high, approximately 6–7 years, but, compared to a beaver or otter fur coat, this is several times less.

Also among the disadvantages is the appearance of yellowness on bleached fur. Such yellowness does not appear immediately, but after several seasons and is often associated with improper use and storage of the fur coat. In addition, beaver products are sewn from small pieces, 25–30 cm in size, and as you know, the smaller the skin, the more seams, which come apart over time.

Beaver fur can withstand strong winds and rain.

Quite often, disadvantages appear due to improper use of the product. In order for a fur coat to last for more than one season, it must be worn correctly and carefully looked after.

Features of beaver fur

black beaver fur coatThe beaver differs in length from a regular rabbit; it is twice shorter and thicker, thus this fur resembles a mink. Rex skin is quite thick, so when making fur coats, it must be soaked in a special solution, dried and stretched. After this, the base becomes several times thinner. As a result, the fur lies in one direction, and the fibers are perpendicular to the skin.

Thanks to the dense undercoat, the fur appears several times thicker not only when viewed, but also to the touch. Try to run your hand over the skin, and you will see how the fibers instantly return to their reverse position.. This quality is very valuable. You don’t have to constantly comb your fur coat to get the proper look.

Weather conditions, even in winter, are quite unpredictable. When you go outside in January, you can get caught in the rain.If this happens, just shake the fur coat out of the beaver and carefully hang it on your hangers; after 15–20 minutes, when the fur dries, it will return to its previous condition.

How is it different from rabbit and beaver fur?

flared beaver coatDespite the fact that beaver is a type of rabbit breed, there are differences in the fur. If you compare a beaver with a rabbit, the first one wins. Beaver skin is more durable than rabbit skin, so the quality and wear resistance of Rex fur is several times higher. In addition, the beaver is quite dense and thick, so a fur coat made from it is warmer than a rabbit's. This is especially noticeable in windy weather. The fibers of beaver fur are shorter and lie next to each other, while a rabbit's fur, over time, puffs up in different directions, and creases begin to appear.

Let's compare a beaver with a beaver. It is extremely difficult to confuse such fur, since the differences can be seen with the naked eye. Beaver fur is more shiny and longer. To the touch in the direction of the fur, it resembles a smooth wave. If you run your hand, as they say, “against the grain,” you feel stiffness. Beaver skin is much tougher than beaver skin. The size of the pieces used to sew beaver fur coats reaches 50 cm, while beaver skins are no more than 30 cm.

What models of beaver fur coats are popular?

The coming winter season offers fashionistas many interesting and modern products made from beaver fur:

  • white beaver coatfitted fur coats that can be worn with or without a belt, knee-length;
  • short fur coats mid-thigh length;
  • straight products with a hood;
  • short jackets with a zipper or buttons;
  • straight short fur coats with a stand-up collar and ¾ sleeves;
  • products with brightly colored fur;
  • long fur coats with a hood trimmed with silver fox fur;
  • flared short fur coats;
  • vests with leather belt.

What colors are offered to fashionistas?

Natural color is always in fashion, but this season other colors of beaver coats are also popular. Girls choose fur products dyed in rich blue, emerald, bright red, purple, and canary colors. No less popular are fur coats with geometric prints, that is, products in which horizontal stripes are visible in color. They are created in a special way and give the fur coat originality. White and light beige shades are popular among middle-aged fashionistas. They are refreshing and look very elegant and expensive. Older ladies choose classic colors: black, dark brown, walnut, burgundy, plum.

Over time, the light shade may turn yellow.

Extravagant fashionistas choose two-tone fur coats. The most popular color combinations:

  • beige beaverblack + white;
  • white + gray;
  • white + beige;
  • black + red;
  • blue + black;
  • plum + black.

Beautiful accessories highlight the originality of the product. A short sheepskin coat or long vest can be worn with a wide leather belt. A sophisticated and noble look in a long fur coat without a hood will be emphasized by a beautiful shawl or a wide scarf with fringe.

Accessories should emphasize the beauty of the product, and not overlap it.

What kind of care does this fur require?

Fur salons, when purchasing fur, give recommendations on how to care for it. But it happens that the recommendations are lost, and we wonder how to care for a fur coat so that it continues to delight us with its beauty. It is important not only to store the product correctly, but also to wear it correctly. To prevent creases from appearing on the sleeves, never carry a bag with it slung over your arm. In addition, a bag that touches the long flaps of a fur coat rubs the fur.

fur coat with sleeves 3 4Try not to wear fur in rainy weather; fur has difficulty withstanding moisture. To prevent the product from sagging, after you have undressed, hang your fur coat on special hangers, and not on a hook. If you are caught in a rain or snowstorm, be sure to shake your fur coat to remove all the drops before putting the item away in the closet. In the summer, it is recommended to store fur products in special bags soaked in lavender essential oil, which will prevent voracious moths from eating your fur coat. By following these simple rules, you will not see any disadvantages in a beaver coat.

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