Should you store your fur coat in a case? Is this always correct?

The “orphan” winter that is happening in many Russian cities this year does not give women the opportunity to show off in fur coats. And fur traders are suffering: there is neither demand nor expected income. Of course, customers had the opportunity to buy a fur coat cheaper by taking advantage of discounts. But in this case, you will have to take care of storing them in anticipation of the next winter.

Should you store a fur coat in a case: pros and cons

And you need to know how to store fur! Valuable items are put into special refrigerators less often; most are kept at home, trying to preserve their appearance and quality. Can a cover create the conditions for this?

Advantages of storing a fur coat in a case

Women know: a fur coat evokes special feelings. Other outerwear does not work this way. It’s nice to just stroke the fur, and when you put it on...

Although it happens differently. A woman takes her fur coat out of the closet and only gets upset. The fur is dull, moth-eaten, you don’t feel any silkiness. What's happened? The answer is simple: the expensive product was stored incorrectly. Experts strongly recommend placing fur clothes in a special bag for the summer.

Important! In order for a fur coat to maintain its quality appearance for a long time, the fur must be cleaned before storage.

fur coat in a case

Why is a case necessary?

  • Manages to create optimal conditions for long-term storage of fur products at home.
  • He protects the product from dust, protects from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Inside the protective shell the air is kept dry, this is important for fur. By choosing a vacuum bag, you risk leaving your clothes in high humidity conditions due to condensation.
  • Moth repellent treated material increases the level of protection against harmful insects. This means your fur coat will remain intact!

Why storing in a case doesn't always help

On women's forums there are sad stories about fur products that were stored on the advice of experts, but lost their appearance or even became unusable.

Important! In order not to spoil the product that is in the case, you need to choose the right case and avoid mistakes during storage.

Which case leads to negative results

Since we have already mentioned the need to choose the right storage medium, you probably realized that Not every case fits.

Wrong material

Don't recognize your favorite fur? Besides, has it become brittle? Alas! And the reason for this was the cover that you chose incorrectly.

Clothes must be kept dry, and the packaging must provide ventilation. Therefore, synthetic materials (thick plastic packaging, thin cellophane or vacuum bags) are not suitable! They will provide condensation and a humid environment, but will hinder ventilation.


And here “packaging” made from “breathable” natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen, is quite suitable.As well as from canvas made from cotton and synthetics.

Wrong size

Don't recognize the fur coat you took out of the bag? Wrinkled, and even these creases! And again the case is to blame! Well, of course, not he himself, but rather you.


Remember! Tightness is contraindicated for fur products! Don't be happy that you managed to remove the fur coat and put it in a tight package. Even if the cover matches the size of the fur coat, it does not fit. Look for more!

Reference. To store a fur coat, a case that is larger than it is suitable: at least 5 cm wide on each side, and 10-15 cm long.

The product must be provided with sufficient space. So take care not to place it in a flat bag! And do not wrinkle the fur coat when putting on the cover. Choose one that has a long zipper.

Wrong color

Another disappointment - has the fur become dull? This means that another important point was not taken into account. Summer ultraviolet radiation harms winter products. And the transparent case chosen for storage could not prevent its impact.

opaque packaging

That's why no transparent packaging! We choose a cover that will not let in the sun's rays. But just be careful and careful. Sometimes manufacturers use weak dyes to dye fabric. When they come into contact with fur, they can color it too. This is completely undesirable for light-colored clothing.

Advice. Check the quality and strength of the dye on the inside of the cover using a damp cloth. If no paint remains on it, the material is safe for clothing.

Incorrect storage method

The package was chosen correctly, but the result was still disastrous? What condition was your fur coat in in the summer? Was it on the shelf? That's why she hesitated.Do not repeat this under any circumstances! The fur coat should only hang, and again there should be room for it in the closet or on a hanger.

Now you know all the pros and cons of storing fur coats in a case. This means your fur coat will remain just as luxurious and elegant!

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