Got an old fur coat lying around? Make useful things out of it!

One day, your favorite fur coat suddenly becomes unfit for wear: the fur has lost its luxurious luster, bald spots have appeared here and there, the style has become unfashionable... Finally, you just might get tired of it! Then the question arises about her future fate.

old fur coat

Methods for attracting well-being in recent years often require parting with unnecessary things without regret or thought. Following their logic, it is best to simply hang it near the nearest trash container, trying to forget about its place in past dreams and cost. Or take it to a collection point for people in need. Or, to complete the feeling of renewal, make the richest effigy for Maslenitsa, dress it in furs, and solemnly burn it.

Or you can, with a little imagination, give a fur item a second life, feeling like a creative person. At the same time, saving money!

What can you make from an old fur coat?

It depends on the:

  • the degree of its preservation - the fewer damaged areas, the more opportunities; a long fur coat can turn into a short one, or a fur vest, and medium and small fragments can become rugs, sofa cushions, handbags, hairpins, trim for other things;
  • current needs: perhaps a fur coat for your beloved dog is more necessary than a cover for a chair;
  • craftswoman's qualifications: if it is difficult to sew a toy, you can always build a rug near the bed.

We sew new from old

Having decided to use such luxury in creativity, it is worth thinking carefully - what if it can still be worn, having been slightly repaired? Scuffs and bald spots on sleeves and collars are sometimes completely masked by decorative patches made of leather or suede.

new things from old fur coats

By completely redesigning the product, you can get a smaller fur coat (for example, by making a teenage or children’s fur coat from your mother’s), or a fashionable vest.

Advice: Without sufficient qualifications, you should not start acquiring it by practicing on an outdated, but still expensive thing. The ateliers are still working. It’s enough just to think carefully about the desired end result and turn to specialists - specifically in fur!

Any fur coat, from mouton and astrakhan fur to mink, can become a sheepskin coat. Jackets with a hood and rich-looking vests made of mink or fox are also possible. Modern fittings, contrasting lining, and leather details will help create a fashionable and stylish item. In addition to combinations of fur with leather, combinations with thick fabric and even knitted elements (for example, sleeves) are also possible.

vest made from an old fur coat

Only the master can make the final verdict on the further fate of the item. If, despite the external preservation of the fur, the disrepair of the fur is discovered, the entire operation will fail. Maybe whole scraps will be enough for a fur coat for a dog.

Important! If you want to wear furs, you should learn the rules for handling them. If possible, the fur should not be wet. If this happens, you need to dry the item only at room temperature and with good ventilation: over-drying the leather base of the fur is just as harmful as over-moistening it.

Fur haberdashery

The remaining scraps of fur are suitable for accessories - bags and mittens, muffs and hats, boas and even leg warmers!

fur bag

Having received advice and selected accessories, you can make a simple handbag yourself. By the way, you don’t have to run to the store to buy finishing elements - an old leather jacket, spare parts for bags, buckles, belts, chains, etc. are often at home.

Tip: When working with natural fur and leather, it is quite possible to combine them with artificial ones - similar or contrasting shades.

There are many options for hats - completely fur or with fabric, leather, knitted inserts. There is also a variant of the popular fur headphones.

Are the sleeves of the fur coat intact? It is easy to convert them into leggings by sewing in side inserts if necessary. Extensive patches of soft fur will go to the tops of boots. And from the wide lower part of the hem you can easily cut out a stole or boa!

fur mittens

Soft mittens will keep your hands from freezing in any frost. And insoles for outdoor shoes and fur slippers for indoors will allow you to observe the anciently revered rule regarding keeping your feet warm.

Recently, catwalk winter ensembles are full of fur belts on trousers and dresses, skirts and jackets. It is not difficult to make such a thing with your own hands.

Furry jewelry

fur jewelry

Fur jewelry is increasingly becoming the highlight of designer collections. With practice, you can provide yourself and all your girlfriends with luxurious jewelry.Not that difficult to make:

  • brooches: fox, mink, sable, arctic fox fur, in combination with beads, beads, leather and rhinestones, easily turns into a flower or leaf, decorating a coat, dress, hat or scarf;

Important! Do not forget that the brooch is not worn with a necklace. But with earrings and bracelets - even better!

fur jewelry

  • bracelets: just wrap a spiral strip of fur around a ring from a plastic bottle; you can also play with combinations with leather, fabric and stones;
  • earrings: rings wrapped in fur, long tassels, fur balls on chains - by collecting cheap accessories in craft stores, you can create small masterpieces;
  • beads: fur balls are perfectly combined with wooden, glass, leather, and metal elements.

fur bracelets

Everything goes to the house!

Fur products also look elegant and rich in the interior, especially in winter.

If the list of obsolete items includes two fur coats, you can make a large blanket out of them by combining and sewing parts with strong fur. By placing fur on a thin padding polyester, we get a luxurious bedspread.

fur chair covers

If there is not enough material for a blanket, perhaps it will be enough for a cover for a chair or a pillow - it won’t take much time, and it will add more comfort to the house.

Smaller pieces of fur are suitable for “seats” on chairs and stools, and armrests for a work chair.

An extremely worn item is quite suitable for a rug on which you can lounge in the evening with a book and a cup of tea. If the idea seems too simple, you can complicate it by drawing an animal silhouette as a template and cutting the skin according to it.

Important! The abundance of fur in the house will sooner or later attract moths. Don't forget to use means to combat it.Not necessarily chemical: a bouquet of wormwood, a sachet of tansy or lavender will scare away uninvited guests.

fur pillows
A winter place for your beloved pet can also be made from an old fur coat. It’s not difficult at all, but how will it please the smaller family member?

fur dog seat

Reviews and comments
G Gulya:

It's time to give up real fur. Not savages.

Z Zahar:

Gulya, we agree 100%! Somehow it doesn’t reach us people...


I looked at photos of animals on the Internet (mink, raccoon, etc.) and somehow I think that I won’t be able to wear a natural fur coat anymore.

ABOUT Oksana:

Gulya and Zahar, I would look at you without natural fur in winter in Siberia. Would you go far in a down jacket or coat?

T Tatiana:

and I’m freezing in St. Petersburg too. There are old furs, I remade them in the 90s, and now I’m doing it. Fashion is fleeting on things. TOTO down jacket, up to – 5

A Anna:

Oksana, a hackneyed and very dubious argument... You know, it’s just wonderful in winter in a good down jacket (not a “down jacket”). Or do you and your whole family wear sables?!
By the way, a down jacket (for really low temperatures) is not a cheap thing, you don’t even have to cut the price tag to prove your worth to others.

I Ulcer:

Sweat in synthetics. Make skin problems worse.

T Tatiana:

without furs at -10 it’s impossible not to get sick from snakes

Z Zueva:

2 Oksana: I live in Yakutsk, I wear great clothes all winter (-50). And even today there is so much, the market is replete with things, fur is completely optional, like feathers and so on, there are a lot of artificial fillers. Well, to each his own, as they say. If you want to wear fur, wear it, but don’t hide behind the fact that there are no other options.


