How much do billionaires' clothes cost?

Clothing is not only the outer shell of a person, it is often what reflects the inner world and position in society. But not everything is as simple and unambiguous as it might seem. A modest T-shirt and worn jeans do not always mean that a person does not have a penny to his name.
clothes of the western rich But if we talk about expensive, elite clothes, then only rich people can certainly afford them.

How much do Russian billionaires' clothes cost?

If we talk about rich, or rather, very rich Russian people, they are famous for buying themselves some of the most expensive things in the world.
Speaking about the men's wardrobe, it should be noted that Russian oligarchs prefer to dress from such famous men's fashion designers as William Fiorovanti, H Huntsman, Jon Green. These masters of classic men's fashion, who make luxury suits for men from the most expensive wool in the world, ask for their products from 4.5 to 10 thousand dollars. These are real investments in their image, which are paid by almost all Russian oligarchs.
In addition to an expensive suit, do not forget about luxury shirts, ties, belts and shoes, and accessories such as cufflinks. As a result, an everyday look of an oligarch with a classic suit can cost up to 10,000 – 15,000 dollars.

REFERENCE! The wives of the Russian rich do not lag behind their husbands. Debbie Wingham, Lacroix, Tiffani, Givanchy and others. A casual outfit can cost up to several thousand dollars, not to mention evening dresses.

How much do Western billionaires spend on clothes?

William Fiorovanti collectionWestern billionaires are more modest in their clothing aspirations. They can often be found in the simplest things that have nothing to do with fashion brands. This applies to both financial magnates and movie stars.
If you meet many of them on the street, then in appearance they cannot be distinguished from the simplest workers, in the most modest quarters of small provincial towns. And despite the fact that they have billions of dollars in their accounts, they do not consider it necessary to spend unreasonable amounts of money on clothes. Such modesty is demonstrated by the vast majority, for example, Tobey Maguire, Keanu Reeves, Ingvar Kamprad, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Vincent Kartheiser, Amancio Ortega and others.
As can be seen from the above list, both financial magnates and programmers, and even the creators of fashionable clothing brands, are unpretentious about fashion.

REFERENCE! So, despite the fact that Amancio Ortega created the world-famous fashion brand Zara, he himself dresses very simply. And all this despite the fact that he has about 100 billion dollars in his account.

TOP 5 most modest billionaires

billionaire clothesAs for the richest people in the world, who show incredible modesty and unpretentiousness in clothing, they include the well-known:

  • Mark Zuckerberg - his sweatshirts were adopted by the entire computer world and began to be worn as a fashion accessory. Despite the fact that Mark is now one of the five richest people on the planet, he could afford to show up to work in his pajamas and say that he did not have time to spend on clothes.
  • Bell Gates believes that expensive clothing is an excess that does not provide any functional benefit. He does not take care of his wardrobe at all, giving preference to intellectual development.
  • Steve Jobs also preferred the simplest and most modest clothes, often wearing regular jeans and black turtlenecks.
  • The same principle in clothing is supported by the founder of the Russian VK, Pavel Durov. His modesty borders on asceticism.
  • Sergey Brin is one of the co-founders of Google. His outfits are so unpretentious that they sometimes cause misunderstandings. Ordinary worn jeans, turtlenecks or sweatshirts, the simplest in appearance and having nothing to do with the fashion world - this is what Sergey Brin wears.

IMPORTANT! Most of these people believe that clothing cannot be an end in itself in life.

They give preference to spiritual development and intellectual self-improvement. In addition, almost everyone is involved in charitable activities, donating astronomical amounts to it.

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