What to do if your sweater stretches after washing?

We returned home from the store with a new sweater, washed it and discovered that it had stretched several sizes. What to do? Don't despair, this problem can be solved. It is quite possible to return the product to its original shape.

A few words about the reasons

sweater stretched outMost often, woolen products lose their shape due to improper care: washing and drying. Hard washing powders with alkali, too hot water during washing, exposure to heating devices to speed up the drying of the product, all this leads to the fact that the threads stretch and sometimes break. Pay attention to how you put on, wear and take off the sweater, perhaps pulling too hard on the sleeves or throat, constantly pulling the sweater down. Such manipulations also cause the fibers to stretch and become deformed. Over time, the sweater takes on the shape of a doormat.

Before sending an item for washing, read the label on which the manufacturer has indicated which care methods are suitable for this item.

Is it possible to return items to their original size?

washing a sweaterIt’s possible, but not for any sweater. Cotton, acrylic and synthetic materials are unlikely to be restored, but wool, cashmere or mixed types of threads with a high wool content can be returned to their previous state. A lot depends on how far the sweater is stretched.

The original size 46, stretched to 52, can be safely thrown into the trash, and if the item has stretched one size or only the sleeves or neck have stretched, there is no reason to panic. It will take a little effort and time for the sweater to regain its previous shape.

DIY shrinking methods

Let's consider several basic ways to restore elasticity to the threads and compress them to their original state:

  • re-wash;
  • give the desired shape;
  • dry.

It would seem that everything is simple, but there are small tricks that will help restore the product to its former appearance.

We erase “correctly”

To restore the threads, you need to wash the sweater. If you prefer to machine wash, follow the instructions:

  1. how to wash a sweaterPlace the sweater in a special laundry bag and place it in the machine drum.
  2. Add liquid detergent intended for washing woolen items to the powder compartment. This liquid laundry detergent is sold at any hardware store.
  3. Set your machine to the accelerated wash cycle. The temperature should be at least 90 degrees.
  4. Turn off the spin function. It can be replaced by draining water.
  5. After the machine has done its job, remove the sweater from the bag and wring it out with your hands.

The key factor is hot water, which will compress the fibers to their previous state.

Another good way is to alternate the water temperature. Place the jumper in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, then transfer it to a bowl of cold water. Do this maneuver several times. Due to the sudden change in temperature, the wool threads will tighten.

Drying “correctly”

lay out the sweaterStretched items should be dried in a horizontal position after washing.. To do this, you will need a large towel or thick fabric that absorbs water well. Lay out the sweater on a spread towel and start tidying it up. Gently pull the sleeves horizontally and vertically. Pull in the neckline and waist. Use your palms to move the fibers around each other throughout the product. Now you are a sculptor who cuts off everything unnecessary, giving the product the desired shape.

Make sure that the towel on which you dry the item is not too wet. It is advisable to change it several times so that the sweater does not absorb the smell of moldy dampness. You can dry a sweater only naturally, without resorting to a battery, hair dryer, steam generator or sunlight. Too much heat can cause the threads to become distorted.

Using a towel

drying a sweaterThe main reason for wool and synthetic fibers to stretch is strong spinning and twisting after washing. The drum of a washing machine, spinning up to several thousand revolutions, can stretch a jumper into several sizes. Therefore, spinning in the machine is prohibited. Some manufacturers indicate this rule on labels sewn to clothing.

Squeezing wool by hand can also damage the fibers and greatly stretch the threads.. An acceptable method is to squeeze out water using a terry towel. Carefully wrap the jumper in a towel and leave it for 3-4 minutes.If water continues to drip from the sweater, use a new, dry towel. After excess moisture has been absorbed, the product can be dried.

We use boiling water

boiling waterAnother good way to return a wool or cashmere sweater to its original size is to soak it in boiling water. Fill a basin with water at a temperature of at least 80 degrees and lower the sweater into it. Leave for 10-15 minutes. If the room in which you wash is too cold and the water cools quickly, repeat the procedure several times. To give the threads elasticity, you can add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or 50 ml of softening fabric conditioner to the water.. After soaking, you can start washing.

There is no need to stretch the jumper while washing; carefully lift it and lower it into the water. Do not “pinch” the product or rub it too hard.

Do not use a brush to remove stains; it will damage the threads.

What if only part of the sweater lost its shape?

It happens that only part of the sweater has lost its shape, for example, the sleeves have stretched or the neck has become shapeless. What to do in such a situation? No need to wash the item completely. Use a spray bottle to spray hot water on the stretched area or submerge the area in hot water. Then spread the jacket on a towel laid on a hard, flat surface and shape it into the desired shape by gently moving the fibers with your palms towards each other.

How to “pull” the elastic on a sweater

how to tighten a sleeveDue to the fact that the elastic band of the sweater neck is narrower than the head, and the cuffs are narrower than the hands, they tend to stretch over time. To remove shapelessness, wet the elastic with water, lay the jumper on the floor and move the threads towards the middle. For greater effect, you can use needles or pins.Pin the elastic in several places with them and leave until the item is completely dry.

Prevention measures

To prevent the item from becoming deformed later, take proper care of it:

  • all knitted items are washed only by hand using warm water;
  • When washing, do not pour too much liquid detergent into the water;
  • do not use regular washing powder containing alkali;
  • dry the product only in a horizontal position, spreading it on a large towel;
  • do not use a radiator, heater or hair dryer while drying;
  • iron the jumper from the wrong side through a thin fabric;
  • Store the product folded in a closet.

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