Knitted mohair sweater (diagrams and description)

Red mohair sweaterA mohair sweater is a very nice product. Externally it is very fluffy, thanks to the soft long fibers. But as soon as you touch it, you realize that nothing can be softer. Maybe this is the reason for such a great love for mohair.

Craftsmen love mohair very much, they add it everywhere: in socks, hats, blouses. Sweater models for women and men and even for children. After all, mohair gives the right to make a product for a very small child.

The yarn itself cannot be 100% mohair; it is more often found with additives. Yes, and such a thread would be incredibly expensive, maybe this is the reason for the absence of this species. Let's take a closer look at some models of sweaters that are made from kid mohair. Also from the article you can find out what else mohair can be. We invite you to make your own models right now.

Yarn and knitting needles

We decided to knit a mohair blouse, but how to choose. And mohair can be difficult.

Reddish mohair with knitting needlesChoose from such splendor, from such a wealth of not only colors, but also compositions.

Set of first stitches for 2 knitting needles

Set of first stitches for 2 knitting needles

A small classification of all mohair threads to facilitate the selection of the necessary raw materials.

There are three categories of mohair today:

Red mohair sweaterKid Mohair is the most capricious of all mohairs. It requires special care. But the creators are six-month-old Angora goats. It is from them that the wool is taken and then the thread is “spun”. As a result, this is the most delicate thread, very thin and silky. Doesn't she still have that characteristic shine? But this does not prevent it from being used for shawls, stoles, sweaters and other products that require delicate thread.

Going Mohair is the golden mean. It is slightly thicker than the first type and thinner than the latest model. Kids from 6 months to 2 years old take part in the creation. The fiber is a little springy, but stronger. Some craftsmen use it for woolen items.

Adult Mohair is a stiffer thread. It will be used for outerwear. But she remains the same fluffy and pleasant to the touch.

For children's clothes, it is better to take kid mohair, but knit in several threads. But an adult’s sweater can already be made from medium thread.

Men's mohair sweater step by step

A worthy model for a real man. Despite its whiteness and fluffy fibers, the yarn emphasizes masculine qualities. Let's try to associate it with a good description.

Men's white sweater 1To work you will need:

  • mohair yarn 70% white;
  • knitting needles number 3 and 3.5 (optional circular).

Scheme 1This is the basic pattern of the pattern. Rapport consists of 6 loops. In the diagram itself there is a small callout for a separate rapport.


The diagram shows the back part, exactly half. The width and length of each indicator on the pattern are indicated.The model is designed for sizes 48-50. The knitting density of this product is 10*10=22 r. * 15 pet.

Using knitting needles, cast on 85 stitches. First knit an elastic band 1*1. Knit to a height of 7 cm. Next is the pattern of the fabric from the given diagram. Using it, knit to a height of 42 cm. Next, bind off 2 loops on each edge. Set the piece aside and leave the hinges open.

Mohair sweater pattern 1Before

Knit the same as the back. First, 7 cm of elastic from a set of 85 loops. Then, up to 42 cm, pattern the canvas according to the given diagram.


From a set of 45 loops, knit an elastic band about 7 cm. Next, knit the main pattern from the diagram, but add exactly 5 loops before the first row. In order for the sleeves to expand gradually, you need to add one loop in every 7th row. Knit to a height of 47 cm. Cast off two loops on each side. Set the product aside. Knit the second sleeve also and put it to the side.


It is necessary to collect all the parts together and continue knitting in the round in order. At the connection points of the parts in each row, make decreases for raglan. Simply knit stitches together in two places on each of the four points.

At a height of 20 cm from the armhole, you need to switch to a 1*1 elastic band and knit the neckline of the product using circular knitting needles.

Now all that remains is to sew the sleeves on the sides and the back and front, also using a side seam. Your favorite mohair sweater is ready.

Mohair sweater for women

Blue mohair sweater for men
This appetizing model requires mohair with a content of the main component of 70%. Thread thickness is medium. As for the color, for this model we chose gray-blue. Such a bluish color.

Blue sweater 2To work you will need:

  • mohair yarn from 500 g;
  • knitting needles number 3.

A very simple model from the usual stockinette stitch.The mohair thread has a slight shine and therefore the model no longer seems so boring. A large and voluminous collar can be used instead of a snood.

Facial surface Front and back stitchBack

The product is designed for size 46. Initially, you need to knit a sample and use it to calculate the number of loops in the first set. Next, you will need to follow your own measurements and the model’s measurements. This will make the sweater very comfortable and exactly the right size. Cast on 75 stitches on the knitting needles and make a 2*2 rib stitch.

Scheme 2 lilacKnit with an elastic band no more than 7 cm. Next we move on to the pattern of the front surface. There is no need to add or subtract anything yet. Knit to a height of 35 cm. Then make decreases on each side - bind off 4 loops. Next knit 20 cm without neckline. Leave the loops on an additional needle. Set aside the back for now and knit the front piece in the same way.


Cast on 40 stitches for the sleeve. Knit with an elastic band 2*2 for approximately 7 cm. Then switch to the stockinette stitch pattern, and without adding or subtracting anything, knit to a height of 45 cm. To widen the sleeve you need to add one loop in every 7th row. As soon as it is 45 cm, bind off all the loops. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.

Gathering and Collar

The most interesting thing is the collar in this product. Many people are tormented by the question of how to tie it. It's simple. Combine the back and front and knit in the round. The front surface of the pattern does not change. But in every 7th row, close two loops on the side of the fabric so that the loops are invisible. Knit the collar to a height of 15-20 cm and bind off all the loops. All that remains is to sew in the sleeves and make the side seams on the sleeves and fronts. The product is ready.

Pink kid mohair sweater for girls

Very gentle model. Very soft and fluffy. A girl will definitely love this sweater. Such a blouse is almost weightless, but there is so much warmth and joy from it for the young beauty.

Soft pink sweater 3To work you will need:

  • mohair kid yarn about 400 g;
  • knitting needles number 2.

This model is knitted from top to bottom using elementary raglan. You can also knit in two threads, but this product looks good in one thread of kid mohair. The yarn is so thin and pleasant that when you knit with it you practically don’t feel the weight of the thread or even the entire product.


For the collar, you need to measure the neck circumference and multiply by two. Then knit the sample using stockinette stitch and compare how many stitches are required for the initial set of stitches for the collar. You need to knit on circular knitting needles. Using an elastic band 1*1, knit about 4 cm. Next, move on to stockinette stitch and, of course, raglan. Immediately start adding with yarn overs. To do this, you need to select 4 points. They will be in the places where the seams for the sleeves are supposed to go. Make additions until the length of the product reaches 18 cm. Then transfer the sleeves to additional knitting needles.

Back and front

No wonder the stage combined two shelves. They will need to be knitted together. But the length can be easily adjusted and, if desired, you can make a shortened model of such a sweater, just close all the loops of the circle earlier. There is no need to make any elastic at the bottom; you should get such an interesting wave from closing the loops in the stockinette stitch.


Next, work with the sleeves. For them, you can make small decreases in the last 10 rows. Just cut by 2 stitches every other row in this place. Then no elastic, but simply close the loops, but knit together, not 2 loops, but three at a time. This will create a small flashlight effect in the sleeves.

The sweater is ready and does not require assembly.But to wet and dry correctly is definitely required. You can decorate with light elements.

Women's soft pink sweaterMohair white sweaterThese are the types of products mohair can afford. You shouldn’t stay away from it, it looks so cute in practice that you just turn a blind eye to the difficult care of such yarn. A beautiful thing is worth taking good care of.

Reviews and comments
WITH Svetlana:

Where can I find a description of the latest mohair sweater knitted with English rib with openwork?

L Elena Sergeeva:

Hmm... :)

AND Irina Sennikova:

Zhanna, thank you for the article and inspiration. I haven't knitted for about 30 years and now I want to!!!! but I remember almost nothing. I really liked the last mohair sweater for a girl, I want to start with it, I think even from the description I’ll understand what’s what. But how to calculate those same four points for adding raglan? Tell me please. I want to knit for myself. And in terms of yarn consumption, 400 grams is not a lot for mohair? Thank you in advance


