TOP 10 things that are not recommended to be worn every day

Are you willing to make any sacrifices for the sake of beauty? Despite all the inconveniences, are you sure that only high heels will help you with this? But some things are frankly harmful to women’s health. Let's talk about this in detail.

Things that are dangerous to wear all the time

Push-up bra

things 1This lingerie model is very popular among women. Yes, it looks very beautiful - raised, rounded breasts of the correct shape attract men's gaze. But in reality, the inserts used contribute to breast deformation and cause sagging. And all this is due to the fact that, having gotten used to special support, the chest muscles weaken.

Another problem is pinching of the blood vessels of the mammary glands, which is fraught with the development of all kinds of diseases.

Skinny jeans

things 2This is the most versatile element of a woman's wardrobe. Wanting to focus attention on beautiful legs and hips, many fashionistas prefer narrow models.But wearing them regularly disrupts the functioning of the entire circulatory system, which inevitably leads to the development of varicose veins and the appearance of cellulite signs.

Tightly fitting material deprives the skin of the ability to breathe, which leads to redness and provokes unpleasant bloating in the abdominal cavity. In addition, a cosmetic defect such as ingrown hairs may occur.

It is better to exclude skinny jeans from your work wardrobe. Teenagers should also give up “pipes,” since they lead to narrowing of the pelvis and further infertility. And the greatest danger lies in damage to the blood vessels of the internal organs located in the pelvis.


things 6Their sexuality is undeniable. But studies have confirmed the significant danger of this underwear for women’s health. It’s not for nothing that thongs are called nothing less than “the scourge of modernity.” They absolutely do not protect our skin from the effects of cold climates.

Moreover, constant traumatic friction in the groin area contributes to irritation and the spread of pathogens that cause female diseases.

Synthetic panties are especially harmful because they disrupt heat and moisture exchange, which causes diaper rash and fungal infections in the intimate area.


Wanting to always be “on top”, many women overdo it with tightening. Remember to be careful, otherwise big problems with blood circulation in the pelvis and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will inevitably occur.
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Tight nylon tights

No woman can do without this item of clothing. When going to the office or to a party, girls and women are sure to wear them to add elegance to the created image and emphasize the slenderness of their legs.

If new tights create a persistent feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area, feel free to throw them away. Squeezing internal organs is very harmful. In addition, when worn frequently, nylon promotes the greenhouse effect by retaining moisture.

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As a result, the development of vaginal infections. And the tightening effect disrupts the functioning of blood vessels, so varicose veins and cellulite are inevitable.


When it’s cold, we love to wrap ourselves in these soft and comfortable clothes. You may ask, what danger could be lurking in this case? A tight-fitting warm item creates conditions for the proliferation of microorganisms of an infectious nature.

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This inevitably leads to skin irritation and can cause unbearable itching and thrush. For those suffering from chronic vulvitis or vaginitis, doctors advise completely avoiding pajamas and underwear during night sleep.

Heavy bag on shoulder

The postulate is widely known: woman and heaviness are incompatible things. But in life everything looks different. In one fell swoop, a large heavy bag slung over a shoulder can completely destroy the attractiveness of a woman’s image, ruin her posture, and increase the feeling of fatigue. Of course, it’s convenient to always have everything at hand. But don't forget that this is also harmful to your health.

Constantly carrying a bag on the same shoulder overloads the joint and displaces the spinal discs. So dangerous scoliosis or osteochondrosis may well develop.

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Important! Improperly distributed weight leads to overexertion, pinched muscles and nerve roots, and impaired blood supply to the brain.

High heels

The concepts of femininity and slimness are invariably associated with wearing stiletto heels. Any woman knows about this. But under no circumstances should you walk in them all day long.Otherwise, you will have to pay dearly for such beauty with back pain and swelling of the legs. And chic attractiveness can result in intervertebral hernias and acquired stoop. No less sad are diseases of the leg joints, coupled with painful “dry” calluses.

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Of course, no self-respecting woman can imagine her life without such elegant shoes. Remember: these shoes are only good for special occasions. And at the slightest discomfort, it is better to immediately replace it with a more comfortable one.

Flat shoes

Agree, the danger of seemingly harmless “ballet shoes” or sandals causes some bewilderment. But experts warn about their great harm to health due to the uneven distribution of load on the surface of the foot and the lack of shock absorption while walking.

Among the unpleasant consequences:

  • expansion of veins and loss of elasticity;
  • “flattening” of the foot and acquisition of flat feet;
  • pain in the feet and spine;
  • wrapping of the bones of the foot inward like clubfoot, which leads to deformation of the knees and hip joints.

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Important! Frequently alternating the same men's style boots with boots and shoes with small or medium heels will help to avoid this.


It is impossible to live without this fashionable accessory in bright sunny weather. But Never wear them in the evening or indoors in low light conditions.. In this case, visual strain is inevitable, which increases the risk of developing cataracts.

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Pay special attention to cleanliness and absence of cracks on the lenses. Do not buy glasses if their lenses are not equipped with UV filters. Their damage to the eyes is too great.

Every woman wants to look attractive. But while dressing stylishly and fashionably, do not forget about your health.

Reviews and comments

What kind of narrow-minded person wrote this explosive mixture of ignorance, rumors and obvious hallucinogenic delusional expression?
What infertility is caused by jeans and pelvic narrowing?
What the hell are fungi from pajamas and thongs? Hernias from heels and cataracts from glasses in the evening?
The author needs urgent treatment, definitely...

Z Zinochka:

Don't wear tights, wear stockings. Pressure on the abdomen and the greenhouse effect in the perineum are eliminated. The rules of the dress code about dressed legs, even in the heat, are easily understood only in stockings. By the way, you can also wear them in winter, but with reservations: high density, a long warm coat and a companion - shorts made of warm material, which are slipped under the skirt before going outside, and removed indoors.
Nonsense about pajamas. They are not tight. And those who have problems sleep without panties, but in pajamas if it’s cold.


