Color therapy in clothing: what colors lift your spirits, photo

It’s not just flowers that lift your spirits—colors can do that too. When choosing clothes and accessories, people do not always analyze the influence of color on their mood and life in general. According to psychologists, a person’s craving for certain shades speaks of his passions, hobbies and character traits. In addition, colors can affect the psychological, physical and emotional state of people. There are colors that are uplifting, calming, or cause fatigue or irritation. Color therapy studies the effects of color on humans. This is an ancient, eastern teaching. Centuries ago, Eastern healers used colors to treat illnesses.Screenshot 2022-03-26 at 14.21.44

Autumn colors - names, palette of autumn colors

The popular expression “the color of mood is autumn” can often be heard today. It means fatigue, melancholy, lack of mood. The name of autumn colors is often associated with the blues, nature fades, leaves fall. In fact, fall colors can bring a lot of good things:

  1. Orange color.The bright shade is associated not only with fallen leaves, but also with the sun. Orange clothes can restore your mood after hard work and fill your home with warmth and comfort. This color, on the contrary, fights depression, blues, fears, and anxiety. It relieves fatigue and blues.
  2. Shades of brown. They characterize stability, help organize life, and stand firmly on your feet. Dark colors surround you with warmth and comfort, light colors protect you from the outside world. When there is an excess of brown color, melancholic moods are formed.
  3. Yellow. A person whose wardrobe is dominated by yellow tones unconsciously takes on the energy of this shade. Creative individuals are filled with inspiration and encouragement from yellow clothes. The tone also helps improve memory, develops attentiveness, and improves mood. Psychologists recommend surrounding yourself with yellow things for those who are waiting for global changes. For example, starting a new job, entering university. Things will give you confidence and help you perceive new information more easily.

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As it turns out, autumn colors do not carry anything negative. On the contrary, they are able to help, support and calm a person.

Color therapy in clothing - colors that improve mood, the meaning of colors

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In addition to autumn shades, there are many other colors that carry special meaning. It should be noted that each person has a different perception of the same color. For example, some people cannot tolerate red tones. Others, on the contrary, surround themselves with this color. Color therapy is a complex science based on psychology, various teachings, research and observations. How do certain colors affect a person’s life?

  • Violet. Helps relieve tension, nervous overexcitation, and anxiety.Purple clothes can give confidence, get out of a creative crisis, and feel psychological strength. People suffering from migraines and lymphatic diseases are advised to wear purple items. This color is an intuition stimulant.
  • Green. Invokes peace and tranquility. This is a shade of youth, freshness, spring. It has a positive effect on concentration, restores vision and psycho-emotional state. It is important to consider that dark green can cause depression or feelings of dissatisfaction with life.
  • Blue. Suitable for people who often doubt something. In eastern countries it is associated with peace and truth. Blue tones help drive away empty thoughts and worries. According to research, blue clothes are worn by people who are confident on their feet, stable, and self-confident. Blue outfits help improve attention. Psychologists advise choosing this color of outfit for going to an interview, passing a diploma and other important events.
  • Red. It is known that bright shades of red can provoke mental arousal; muscle activity is activated when looking at the color red. On the one hand, the body comes to life. But too much red can cause fatigue and agitation.

It is impossible to say unambiguously how this or that color will affect a particular person. There are many features that can change the perception of shades. The psyche is individual and multifaceted, but the ancient science of color therapy continues to develop and discover new identities between man and color.

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