Sheepskin coat

Since the beginning of the human race, people have tried to protect their bodies from the effects of heat and severe frost. Depending on where they lived, our ancestors created clothes for themselves: from leather, fur or fabric. The most popular winter warm clothing was considered to be a sheepskin coat, which was most often made from sheep skin, less often from the skin of smaller animals.

sheepskin coat



According to official sources, our primitive ancestors wore the skins of killed animals with the fur inside. Who and when came up with the idea of ​​warming up in this way is not known for certain. Nevertheless, the first warm clothing in the world was a sheepskin coat, created in Mongolia or Kazakhstan.

Paleontologists claim that such fur capes were used several thousand years ago. Northern peoples wore clothing that covered the head, chest and lower back. Such a casing was often made from sheepskin, because it was the cheapest and most accessible fur.

During the reign of Russian Emperor Peter I, industry began to rise in the country. The state's economy has evolved significantly compared to previous centuries. Progress has not spared the development of the sheepskin industry.At that time, sheepskin coats were mainly made from sheepskin, the leather was pre-treated in a certain way, and the product was very warm.

men's sheepskin coat


The demand for such casings in cold Russia was so high that the emperor had to launch mass production of sheepskin coats. People called these clothes “Romanov short fur coats” in honor of Peter I of the Romanov dynasty.

It is worth noting that not everyone could afford to buy a good quality sheepskin coat. Natural materials have always been highly valued, and high-quality leather was too expensive. Moreover, it took 6-7 skins to sew just one product. Therefore, only nobles, high-ranking officials and military personnel wore such a luxurious wardrobe item.

It was very prestigious to have a sheepskin coat with a sewn coat of arms of the country or the regalia of some famous family. Ladies decorated their outerwear with mosaic ornaments and embroidery made of gold and silver threads, but the furriers who sewed did not distinguish men's styles from women's ones. The product was simply sewn in different sizes, and only then (if desired and for an additional fee) decorated with elements of feminine or masculine design. The peasants wore items made of raw leather with fur sticking out, but the main advantage of the clothes remained the same - they were always warm!

sheepskin coats


In addition, during the war between the Russian and French empires in 1812, the sheepskin coat was the main part of the winter equipment of our military personnel.Most letters and telegrams mention that it was such a warm product that helped our compatriots survive in severe frosts! During the Great Patriotic War, the fur casing did not allow the soldiers-liberators of our Motherland to freeze, so we can safely say that the sheepskin coat is one of the reasons for the great victory!

In Ukraine, a good-quality casing has always been considered a sign of prosperity. Moreover, in some villages, some magical meanings are attributed to this attribute of winter clothing. So, for example, at a wedding, the mother-in-law always turned the casing with the fur out and said: “Like a furry sheepskin coat, so the son-in-law will be rich!” And when a child was born in the family, for the first year of birth they arranged a so-called tonsure: the baby was seated on a sheepskin coat turned fur-side up and the ends of the hair were cut. After that, all the guests threw money onto the casing so that the child would be rich.

sheepskin coats


After the Second World War, the development of light industry somewhat transformed the unique sheepskin coat into a modern sheepskin coat. Masters have learned to process leather in such a way that it becomes more elastic, soft and beautiful. This kind of dressing is called tanning, and the finished product is called a sheepskin coat.

Now these stylish winter clothes are sewn almost all over the world, but their ancestor - the sheepskin coat - is forever a thing of the past!

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