We see, but we don't know. What does C E stand for on labels?

Labels on clothes allow us to find out a lot of information: how to properly care for them, whether they can be ironed, fabric composition, size and manufacturer. Every housewife is familiar with them and has long learned to read them.

But there are signs or abbreviations that you don’t understand right away. And they are placed not only on clothes.

One of these abbreviations was the mark “CE”. True, it does not occur on all things, but on those whose safety is especially important for both humans and nature. A wide range of products can bear this mark, from children's toys to elevators and pleasure boats.

where is the sign located?

What things can you see the icon on?

Before importing goods into the European Union, CE marking is required for:

  • all new manufactured goods;
  • used goods imported from third countries;
  • modified goods.

on a toy

Thus, the CE marking may appear on:

  • children's toys;
  • elevators;
  • pleasure craft;
  • medical means for in-vitro diagnostics;
  • rope installations for transporting people;
  • explosives for peaceful purposes;
  • machines and equipment;
  • boilers;
  • PPE;
  • low voltage electrical equipment.

This is not a complete list, as most products for import into the EU must have a European Conformity Mark.

IMPORTANT! If a product does not comply with legislation, it does not receive the CE mark, which means it cannot be sold on the internal market of the European Union.

What does it mean

CE is an acronym for the French Conformité Européenne, which translates to “European Conformity”. The mark is an indication that the product has been assessed for compliance with legislative acts and meets sanitary and hygienic standards. This means it is safe for humans and the environment.

label icon

There are 28 countries in the European Union, and labeling allows goods to be moved from country to country without any technical obstacles.

IMPORTANT! The CE mark does not indicate the quality of the product. It is applied to products that comply with certain European Community directives. And they monitor not so much the quality as the safety of the goods.

The manufacturer must provide a file of product conformity with all directives and keep this file for 10 years. The file contains information about the purpose of the product, its manufacture and operation.

what kind of icon

But there is a catch in this labeling. The fact is that you can also find a similar sign on products made in China. But it stands for China Export. In this case, the letters will be placed closer than on the European markings.

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