Checkered skirts 2018 fashion trends

Checkered skirts 2018 fashion trendsIt's no secret that fashion trends are cyclical and what was once considered a trend becomes popular again over time, acquiring new modern qualities. So in the 2018–2019 fashion season, checkered skirts came to the forefront of the photo.

Designers from all over the world believe that checkered items are very feminine and attractive. With their help, you can create original and unique looks both for going out and for everyday wear.

Current cell types for 2018

The cage is considered a classic, since with varying degrees of success it is always in the leading position of the most popular models. Skirts may vary in color, size and pattern.

The most popular are:

  • black and white check;
  • large neutral shades with diagonal thin intersections;
  • small and bright;
  • calm;
  • red and white;
  • diagonal;
  • "chicken foot"

Important! Skirts and other items with similar patterns can be used for everyday, business or evening wear.She is always relevant and attractive.

The fabrics from which such products are made are also varied. It can be wool, cotton, chiffon, fine suiting fabric made from natural fiber, corduroy or silk. Any of these products will look appropriate in any situation.

Styles and models of checkered skirts

Floor-length cage and mini skirtEach cell option will look relevant if the product is chosen correctly and competently. The skirt should be chosen according to the style, in accordance with the characteristics of your own figure. Shoes, accessories and additional wardrobe details are very important in creating a complete and attractive look.

The most popular styles today are:

  • a flared skirt with one seam (a perky and very attractive model, also called a half-sun, suitable for almost all girls with different body types);
  • bell-bottom with two seams (“sun”, a bright and romantic image is held in high esteem by women and girls of all ages; simple and light, this item is truly relevant this season);
  • straight two-seam (a simple style suitable for women of different age groups, it can be combined with everyday looks or go to a business meeting in such a skirt, having first selected the right combination);
  • wedges with four seams (an attractive style with a belt that fits the waist and wedges of plaid fabric that fall freely below the hips; this style is suitable for many girls, allowing them to achieve femininity and attractiveness);
  • with gathers (“Tatyanka”, a lush and fresh look suits young and slender fashionistas, the abundance of folds makes the cut very interesting and fascinating).

Important! When choosing a checkered product, you need to take into account your own color type so that the check does not overwhelm your appearance. The length of the skirt can be different, it all depends on the woman’s preferences.

What can you wear with checkered skirts?

To make the image winning and attractive, when choosing a product, stylists advise taking into account 3 important criteria:

  • the occasion for which the skirt will be worn;
  • own preferences;
  • body type

It is very important to compare the model you like with your own body type. The model should effectively emphasize the advantages of the silhouette, while hiding all the flaws and flaws of the figure. If a girl is the happy owner of slender legs and a figure, you can afford absolutely any style that your soul requires.

Jacket with a plaid skirtIf the colors in the cage are bright, for a successful combination it is worth choosing a plain top. The blouse can be a T-shirt or a loose T-shirt, tucked under the waistband of the lower part of the wardrobe. The main thing is that the color matches one of the colors present in the cage.

For slender ladies who want to purchase a suit, any styles and models will suit them. The condition should not be the brightness of the image; it is better to choose neutral shades. For an office dress code, such a suit is perfect.

If the cage is large and bright, the rest of the wardrobe details should be monochromatic and muted. A scarf, hat, gloves or bag should be a nice addition to the look, but the bright accent should be concentrated on the cage.

A straight-cut skirt in combination with a calm-colored pullover, plain and tight-fitting, will be an excellent option for both business and everyday looks. In such an outfit the girl will look wonderful.

The right look will allow you to feel confident and comfortable in any situation. Many fashionistas today have already given their preference to the cage. Everyone wants this trendy item to appear in their wardrobe.

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