Why do stars dress their sons in dresses?

In the modern world, you can often find boys dressed in women's clothes. For others, such a situation is absolutely unacceptable, which is why such people are treated with some contempt.Why do stars dress their sons in dresses?

Most often, boys are dressed in women's clothing by those who do not have enough money for new, full-fledged clothes. The only way to support a child is to dress him in the clothes of his eldest daughter or get them from friends. However, in Western countries the habit of dressing children in non-standard clothes still exists, but this is done by world stars who have huge financial incomes.

Which celebrities dress their sons in dresses?

For example, just recently the paparazzi caught Hollywood actress Megan Fox with her husband and two sons, Noah and Bodhi. Noah is four years old and only a year older than his little brother. It was his outfit that confused those around him, because the child was wearing a long blue dress.Dressing sons in dresses

From a distance, Noah could easily be mistaken for a girl, because he had long, lush hair that hung from his shoulders. This is not the first situation in Megan’s family, because several years ago the actress dressed her son in a princess costume from Disney cartoons.

Dressing sons in dresses

A more mature actress, Charlize Theron, followed exactly the same path, only her son, Jackson, walks every day in women's clothes. Judging by the variety of dresses in which he is seen, the boy already has a huge collection that any girl will envy. Jackson's most memorable outfit is the image of Princess Belle, the main character of the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast."

Dressing sons in dresses

Another example is the singer Adele. Despite the fact that the girl does not share photographs of her son with fans, the public was still able to capture the singer’s strange behavior. Thus, journalists took photographs of Adele walking with her son Angelo, who is dressed in the dress of Anna, a character from the cartoon “Frozen.” By the way, Adele has repeatedly admitted in her interviews that she always listens to her boy and will support any of his choices.

Dressing sons in dresses

Why do stars dress their sons in dresses?

The main reason for this behavior of celebrities is their own choice of children. Parents are simply trying to raise their children in complete freedom, thanks to which they always meet them halfway. In Western countries, there are widespread cases where a child cannot decide what gender he wants to be. For residents of Russia, such situations are simply unacceptable, but some stars also follow the example of Europeans.

For example, Russian TV presenter Irena Ponaroshku also raises her children in a non-standard way.On her social networks, the girl often shares photographs of the boy Seraphim, who has long luxurious hair and is almost always dressed in skirts or dresses.

Dressing sons in dresses

The reason for this behavior may also be simply an attempt to stand out in order to gain popularity. The more attention and conversations around a star, the more popularity she will have. Despite the negative reaction from the public, the number of fans of such stars will always grow. Moreover, it is now fashionable to demonstrate adherence to certain views, which can also be the reason for the strange behavior of parents.

What psychologists say

The opinions of psychologists in this situation are divided, some believe that children should be completely free, that parents should not impose on them what they want to become. It is important to be able to correctly assess the child’s psychology, after which it is necessary to help him open up in this image. It happens that a girl is born in the body of a boy and nothing can be done about it. But such a feeling can be deceptive, so with such a child you should contact a psychoanalyst, who will conduct an accurate analysis and tell you what psychological gender the child has.

Other psychologists, on the contrary, completely renounce this opinion, believing that The psychology of a child directly depends on the influence of his parents. The main thing in this matter is correct upbringing, which must correspond to the usual standards. You need to be able to choose the right activity for your children that they will like. But if such a situation nevertheless arises, then it is also necessary to contact a psychologist.Dressing sons in dresses

To prevent a boy from becoming feminine, you don’t need to dress him in women’s clothes, even if you do it as a joke.Also, you should not be too gentle with him and constantly pamper him; the best way to educate him is to introduce him to sports.

Reviews and comments
P About life:

Nonsense about people wearing dresses out of necessity. - From lack of brains! Raising in the spirit of freedom is another stupidity. Even if a child really chooses clothes of the opposite sex, he needs to be told about this, he needs to be taught this, and not withdraw himself!

A Aliya Vazykhovna:

Just awful! This goes beyond all limits. But despite this, I will not criticize.


