How to treat leather gloves?

Leather gloves are stylish, comfortable and elegant. In addition, they are practical - they can be worn for more than one year. If, of course, you keep them in order! How to properly care for an expensive item, read on.

Proper care of leather gloves

Natural leather requires care. And not periodically, but daily!

Leather glovesEvery day, gloves come into contact with dust. Therefore, it must also be cleaned daily. To do this, just wipe the gloves with a soft cloth and go over the seams with a not too hard brush. By getting used to this simple procedure, you can save yourself from the need for more serious cleaning.

Protecting us from moisture, ourselves gloves don't handle it well. And even the water-repellent composition covering the skin is short-lived. Therefore, if the product happens to get wet, you need to put it on your hand, blot it with an absorbent cloth, then dry it naturally, but not in the sun. A drying with heat can damage the skin.

Sometimes wet cleaning is also required: to do this, put a glove on your hand, quickly wipe it with a cotton pad in a soapy solution, then with a damp and dry rag. The skin should not get wet through!

Decorative cosmetics and perfumes are contraindicated for leather items - stains and stains will be difficult to remove. And of course, it is necessary to protect the item from mechanical damage – cracks and abrasions cannot be masked.

When putting gloves away for storage, you need to:

  • clean;
  • soften with special means;
  • wrap in paper and put in a box.

Important! When storing, use products against moths and skin beetles! Don't like chemistry? Wormwood, tansy, and lavender are suitable.

How to clean leather of different colors?

brown leather glovesBlack items can be easily cleaned with a solution of ammonia applied to a cotton pad. Do you have stubborn stains? Mix two parts gasoline with part turpentine and wipe with this solution.

Colored gloves can be tidied up using:

  • bread crumb soaked in water;
  • beaten egg white.

In both cases After treatment, wipe the skin with a slightly damp cloth.

Advice! For colored leather items, they sell structure-restoring agents that mask microcracks. Don't neglect them!

White skin requires special care, which is what the creators of special shampoos thought about. But you can also get by with the proven method - wipe the skin with halves of a cut onion, then treat with egg white, and after ten minutes wipe with foam rubber. The stain can be removed with water and soda or a mixture of magnesium carbonate and gasoline, leaving it to dry and brushing it off with a brush.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide is absolutely not suitable for cleaning gloves!

Glove cleaner recipes

colored leather glovesSometimes radical cleaning of very dirty gloves is required. Then they will almost need washing, although leather is not usually washed. Let's try to save the thing. To do this, we follow two principles:

  • contact with water should be as short as possible - wash quickly and carefully;
  • To avoid deformation, you need to wash the gloves while wearing them.

The procedure should resemble washing your hands: after lathering with light movements, lightly wipe the entire surface, then rinse.

Advice! If it is heavily soiled, it is better not to rub the skin until there are holes - the dirt will rub in more strongly. Just repeat the soaping and rinsing procedure several times.

After washing and rinsing the product, without removing it from your hands, pat it dry with a thick, dry towel and lay it out to dry for a short time. Away from the heat source! When they are dry, we dry them on a mold - purchased plastic or made independently from rigid wire.

What to lubricate with?

To restore elasticity to treated skin, take:

  • glycerin – for fair skin;
  • castor oil – for dark skin;
  • baby cream;
  • Vaseline - for anyone.

Apply one of the products to a soft cloth, gently wipe, knead slightly, saving it from shrinking.

Important! It is better not to use sunflower oil to care for gloves.

How to treat it after drying?

Using a soft, dry cloth, polish the leather until it shines with a matte shine.

How to clean the inside of gloves?

By neglecting this stage of the procedure, you can end up with something with such an odor that it becomes impossible to wear it. The gloves have a fabric lining inside that you just need to wash. It’s best to tear it off and sew it back after washing and drying.. An unopened lining can soak the entire product.

How to get rid of old stains?

black leather glovesAs a rule, in this case it is difficult to remember the origin of the contamination. May I help ammonia, but not in its pure form: for one part of the substance we take four parts of water, and with the resulting mixture we wipe the stained areas. Sometimes used for cleaning petrol, but thin skin may not survive such care. It's better to test in a small area.

Advice! It is also better to try store-bought products on a tiny area of ​​skin - sometimes the effect can be unpredictable.

Sometimes it helps mixture of lemon juice and milk. After cleaning the skin with this composition, wipe the gloves with a damp cloth and dry them.

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