How to lubricate leather gloves for softness

The popularity of leather gloves is associated with their durability and high level of aesthetics. And this natural material perfectly emphasizes the status and good taste of its owners. Its only significant drawback is the loss of elasticity when drying after accidentally getting wet or as a result of violating the rules of caring for the product. And to return the gloves to their former softness, you will need to use a suitable product, which does not necessarily have to be purchased.

Commercial off-the-shelf products

softness of glove leather

Formulas developed taking into account the characteristics of different types of leather are designed to maintain an optimal level of moisture in products and increase their service life. They are easy to use and can easily be used at home. The most popular release forms:

  • spray;
  • lotion;
  • cream;
  • balm.

Important! Before applying any emollient formula, you must first clean the product of any contaminants.And in order not to spoil it, it is advisable to first test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the gaiter.

These synthetic products not only moisturize and soften the leather, but also improve the appearance of the gloves. Manufacturers also took care of protecting their products: their products almost always include components that provide a water-repellent effect and increase resistance to aggressive environmental influences. And this, in turn, allows you to extend the life of your favorite gloves.

Important! When working with commercial products, you should strictly follow the instructions. Deviation from the manufacturer's recommended rules of use leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the formulas and may cause damage to the gloves.

Available materials

what to lubricate with

If you don’t have a specialized product at hand, it doesn’t matter. “Tools” capable of tidying up your skin can easily be found in the bathroom or kitchen. The best way to cope with the task is:

  • glycerol;
  • baby cream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • natural fats of animal origin;
  • beaten egg white.

Any of the listed products can be used to lubricate the skin. To do this, rub a small amount of it into the skin for 3–5 minutes using a cotton swab. But before using improvised materials, you will need to first put gloves on your hands - this way you will be able to distribute the product more evenly and determine the required amount in a timely manner.

Important! When working with such specific components, the basic rule of thumb is “less is more.”

If an accidental “overdose” occurs and the gloves acquire an unpleasant, greasy sheen, this can be easily corrected.It is enough to treat - blot the surface using alcohol-free sanitary napkins or a piece of soft natural fabric. Excess should be removed immediately after treating the skin, since old stains will require washing off with water, with which prolonged contact of gloves is undesirable.

what to lubricate the skin with?

How to soften after getting wet

The skin is able to withstand the onslaught of liquid for some time. But if it does become saturated with water, then to prevent deformation of the gloves it is necessary:

  • Without removing your hands, blot them with a material that absorbs moisture well;
  • after removal, place the products away from direct sunlight and heating appliances;
  • carry out preventive treatment of dried skin.

Important! It is recommended to dry gloves in a cool and well-ventilated area.

One of the most effective ways to tidy up wet skin is a mixture of equal parts of baby cream and any synthetic product. The resulting ointment is applied in the same way as other available materials. Such simple remedies can make gloves soft and refresh their appearance.

care of leather gloves

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