What are fingerless gloves for sports called?

Fingerless sports gloves feature strong seams, overall durability and excellent absorbency. They help keep your hands dry during strenuous workouts.. They fit quite tightly, but at the same time, a “greenhouse effect” is not created inside them. The skin breathes, and the accessory itself is practically not felt on your hands.

Name of gloves for fingerless sports

fingerless glovesThey are called open-finger gloves, athletic gloves, mitts and gloveletts.. In everyday life, any of the listed options is used without taking into account the type of model, but in fact the difference between mittens and lovelettes is significant. The first ones do not have compartments for 4 fingers; only the big one is separated by a wall of fabric. The second type of accessory has jumpers between all fingers.


fingerless sports glovesMittens are a general name for all accessories with shortened “covers” for the fingers and jumpers between them. Specifically a man needs athletic gloves to go to the gym. The palm area is covered with anti-slip material, which maintains the athlete’s level of safety during training on weight machines and performing exercises with dumbbells.


Designers work more fully and carefully mitts and gloveletts, intended for girls. That is why the range of women's haberdashery for fitness is wider. Moreover, this category of goods includes not only accessories for training, but also models that, according to their characteristics, fall into the category of sports items.

Important! Fitness gloves allow you to keep your manicure safe and sound.

Where did they come from?

beige glovesAn analogue of modern mittens appeared in Ancient Egypt. Then, for a long time, gloves were the property of the upper strata of society and privileged organizations. Ladies valued them for the opportunity to display jewelry; men used them to emphasize their position or indicate belonging to certain circles.

Important! Unlike mitts, gloveletts arose relatively recently - in the 20th century. The concept of the model originated in informal circles, that is, this accessory has never been part of the image of an aristocrat.

Who can wear them?

They are in demand in all cases where finger dexterity is required. They are easy to do:

  • sportscounting money;
  • pressing a small button on a panel in a car;
  • unfastening and fastening the lock with a small dog;
  • manipulation of buttons;
  • exercise on the horizontal bar;
  • capture in the ring;
  • strength training.

Lovelettes and mitts literally designed for small outdoor work. That is why tourists often turn to them when going on a long hike.Exposed fingers allow these people to cope with any task of improving a temporary camp without exposing their hands and without risking hypothermia.

Not only hiking enthusiasts resort to mittens, but also representatives of other social groups completely unrelated to tourism. Some wear them on the street because of the convenience of handling a smartphone and e-reader, others at work (for example, salespeople and inspectors), and others while playing sports. Shooters and visitors to fitness centers especially often turn to them. Gloves help avoid calluses and injuries that occur due to the high pace of training and fingers slipping from sports equipment during strength training. They reduce the likelihood of infection.

Important! Mitts are a great way to protect yourself from infection in common areas. For example, in public transport or in the gym.

They are ideal assistants for bikers and car enthusiasts. On the one side, They allow you to avoid turning the steering wheel in your hands due to the closed area of ​​your palms; on the other hand, they do not prevent your fingers from showing natural flexibility and grip.

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