What are the MMA gloves called?

gloves for mma 2For training and tournaments in mixed martial arts, a special element of protective training equipment is used - MMA gloves. These are special personal protective equipment for the athlete’s hands, protecting them from injury during training and allowing them to get the desired results at tournaments.

What are MMA gloves?

gloves for mma 1Products of this type are called differently shingarts. These are special protective accessories used in MMA wrestling.

The main task of such accessories is to provide reliable protection for your hands and minimize the risk of injury during training and tournaments.

Differences between shingarts and shingards

Shingarts are often confused with shingards, but it's not the same thing.

Shingardami are called special devices (can be similar to tight stockings or a design with dense front pads) used to protect the lower leg in kickboxing and Muay Thai training.

Such accessories can be used both for sparring and for single training. With the help of shingarts any fighter is capable of performing specific techniques, clear strikes, making hooks and grabs. The likelihood of injury to an opponent will be minimized.

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Shingarty with cut off fingers for hand-to-hand combat are considered an excellent option for beginner athletes aged 14-15 years and for those who train exclusively for themselves. Size S suitable for athletes up to 12 years old, size M is considered the basic option for training athletes aged 13 years and without further age restrictions. Models suitable for adults sizes L and XL. Such products can vary significantly in shades of color, quality of material and fittings. They are for hitting punching bags, as well as bags, etc.

What are they?

gloves for mma 5MMA training gloves with open fingers have a continuous striking surface and are compact in size. A characteristic feature of such models is considered to be rather dense padding in the wrist area, protecting this area from powerful blows.

Tournament MMA gloves have a smaller striking surface with compartments for each finger. Certain models are equipped with enhanced protection for the middle phalanx of the fingers to protect against bruises and wounds if the fist is in an erroneous position during an impact.

What materials are they made of?

The basis for sewing shingarts is a special modern material of high quality that does not wear out or tear. Usually, similar products are made from leather or from a material that has similar properties.

Cuff on such accessories is made of elastic material that retains strength and functionality for a long time.On the inside, such products are stitched with fabric, which allows them to maintain good fixation and provides the skin of the hands with full breathing.
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Types of gloves for MMA

All products of this kind usually divided into the following types:

  • Tournament. Such accessories are absolutely consistent with the original design. They weigh less than training ones (about 7 ounces) and provide the hands (mainly fingers) with full mobility. Unlike training models, tournament models alleviate the consequences of blows to a lesser extent. The palm and fingers in these shingarts remain open.
  • Training. This type of MMA gloves has an impressive absorption area. The fingers in such models remain open, but on the outside they are covered with an additional protective element. Consequently, on the one hand, a fighter can easily perform all the necessary techniques, and on the other hand, such a design allows minimizing the likelihood of injury.

Reference! Training models are an excellent option for working on implements and on paws.

gloves for mma gloves for hand-to-hand combat

Gloves for hand-to-hand combat

Design features of gloves for mixed martial arts

gloves for MMA shell shingarts

Shingart projectile gloves

Among the main differences between shingarts and other products of this kind, intended for other types of contact martial arts, are the following:

  1. Weight. Such accessories for MMA weigh significantly less than many similar sports accessories from other contact disciplines. At the same time, technically they perform the same functions as traditional boxing equipment.
  2. Design. Shingarts look like gloves, in which each finger of the hand can function independently.This is their main difference from models for boxing, made in the form of mittens, where a separate compartment is provided exclusively for the thumb.
  3. Open phalanges. In such products, the fingertips remain exposed. This is due to the characteristics of mixed martial arts and is required so that the athlete can perform painful techniques.

Tips for choosing MMA gloves

Exist various models of shingarts. When purchasing accessories of this kind, it would be advisable to take into account the nuances below.


When choosing the appropriate size of such accessories, it is advisable to consider:

  • size models S and M suitable for adults and teenagers weighing no more than 75 kg;
  • product size L and XL will be an excellent choice for larger fighters.


MMA gloves wrap bandages on hands
It should be taken into account that You will need to wrap a bandage under the gloveTherefore, it is necessary that the “bare” hand can be freely positioned inside such a glove.


Similar equipment varies in weight (average can range from 4 to 7 ounces). However, these parameters may vary depending on the weight of the athlete and the rules of each tournament.

Fixing tape

Despite the fact that the wrist area should in any case be fixed with a bandage, it is necessary check whether the shingart tape is wound tightly enough. This is very important to protect this part of the hand. Depending on the quality and model of the product, the fasteners come with double or single Velcro (the most common option).


It is recommended to give preference to products made from natural materials. Leather is considered the most practical and reliable material for this type of accessory. The operational durability of such models is much higher.

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It is also worth considering that gloves made made of synthetic materials high quality, if used for a long time in conditions of increased sweating, they can provoke an allergic reaction.

Advice! When using such gloves, it is necessary to ensure that the accessory is securely fastened during intense exercises and sits comfortably on the hand.

Shingart gloves for mixed martial arts are an excellent option for protective equipment for both beginners and experienced professionals.

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