How to clean suede gloves at home

how to clean suede gloves at homeGloves are one of the main accessories in cool weather. They provide your hands with additional warmth and protect your skin from aggressive environmental influences. Suede is one of the most popular materials in the manufacture of wardrobe items. It is distinguished not only by its attractive and expensive appearance, but also requires special care conditions. To properly clean suede gloves, several rules have been developed that every owner should follow.

We will show you how to clean such products at home.

Rules for cleaning suede gloves

Suede has a rather capricious structure, so it requires special care. If the conditions are not met, the products will begin to lose their attractiveness, the pile itself will begin to roll off, and the surface will acquire a greasy shine. Dirt and dust begin to accumulate in the spaces between the pile. Such areas are difficult to clean and return to their former attractiveness.

To maintain an attractive appearance and maintain the correct external structure, specialists have developed several rules. Myself The cleaning method is selected in accordance with the degree and nature of contamination. The color shade of the gloves themselves also plays a key role.

Attention: This rule applies to any suede item stored in the wardrobe.

White products

White gloves are not particularly practical. Nevertheless, they are widely used by modern fashionistas, as they are distinguished by their special style and femininity. Light-colored products require special care compared to dark-colored accessories.

In order to clean the surface from dirt, You will need water, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

In a glass of water, dilute 10 ml of both components. For work, we use a thick cloth or napkin that does not leave lint when wet.. Use a damp cloth to treat the contaminated area. After cleaning, gloves should be dried naturally. In order to absorb excess moisture, the accessory can be wrapped in a thick towel.

Important! Gloves should not be wrung out in a circular motion or twisted.

After such actions, the internal structure of the suede is disrupted, which will lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the gloves.

Black shades

salt for blacks
Contamination on black gloves is practically invisible. However, regular cleaning cannot be ignored. Otherwise, it will not be possible to avoid salting and the appearance of disturbances in the internal structure of the material.

Table salt will help with surface stains.. The food component is applied to the contaminated area and left for some time.After a few minutes, actively massage the area where the salt is located. Salt removes and pushes out impurities. Residues can be removed with a soft cloth.

The appearance of oil stains significantly worsens the appearance. A solution of baking soda and milk will help you deal with them.. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of dairy product and apply it to the problem area with a soft cloth. After cleaning, the gloves are dried naturally.

Color palette

talc for colored
Working with gloves in bright colors is somewhat difficult. With such products it is necessary not only to maintain an attractive appearance, but also not to disturb the structure of the pile. Small dents or bare areas that are not noticeable on black items will significantly damage a colored item of clothing.

Products of brown and other shades should be cleaned carefully and carefully. To clean small stains, regular talc is useful. The process of work is similar to the process of cleansing with salt. The component is applied to the contaminated area and left for several minutes. Over time, talc is easily removed along with dirt particles. Residues can be easily removed with a soft lint brush.

When using brightly colored gloves special attention should be paid to the condition of the pile. If small dents appear on the surface of the product, it is necessary to treat the gloves with a small amount of steam. This will help smooth out the lint and return the gloves to their natural attractiveness.

Reference: A solution of baking soda and milk will help remove oil stains.

Tips for caring for suede gloves


  • It should be remembered that Washing suede gloves in a washing machine is strictly prohibited.. A large amount of moisture will damage the structure, and the products themselves will lose their elasticity and well-groomed appearance.
  • For added protection use special impregnations for suede fabrics. They will provide a protective layer that will help the suede cope with excess moisture and dirt.
  • Such material should be dried only naturally. Refrain from using radiators and other heating devices.
  • After each use, the pile must be smoothed even if there are no visible dirt. When purchasing, be sure to purchase a brush with a soft rubberized coating.
  • For heavy stains Do not use stain remover. Stains may form on the surface of black or colored gloves, which are almost impossible to remove. The fibers of white products will roll up, which will lead to the appearance of “bald” areas.

Suede products can transform any outfit, adding special elegance to the image. When choosing accessories for the cold season, many girls opt for suede gloves. Competent actions and compliance with all care conditions will help extend the life of the accessory and maintain its attractive appearance.

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