How to wash gloves?

During the cold season it is difficult to do without these accessories. They complement a stylish look, keep you warm in cold weather, and protect your hands during sports. Like any item, gloves need to be cleaned. The most popular way to turn a dirty product into a clean one is to wash it. But is it possible to do this with gloves, and what rules should be followed in caring for them? Read on.

Can leather gloves be washed?

The most interesting, stylish looks are created with leather accessories. It can be dark, light, in different colors to match the outfit. One thing remains unchanged - without proper care, any things will become dirty, and this not only destroys the outfit, but threatens the loss of reputation. Hands are washed frequently, but gloves are left unsanitized. This needs to be corrected by wet or dry cleaning or washing.

How to wash gloves

how to wash glovesManufacturers usually place a label with care instructions on the back of products.More often there are indications for hand washing only, in some cases machine washing is allowed on a delicate cycle without spinning. When washing by hand, you can use the full immersion method, but the most gentle method is surface cleaning and cleaning the lining..

If you choose the manual immersion method, to minimize the risk of shrinkage and deformation, consider the following tips:

  • the water for the procedure and rinsing should be cool;
  • use liquid soap, shampoo, products with glycerin or lanolin as a detergent;
  • carry out cleaning while wearing a glove;
  • use a soft sponge or cloth, cotton pads;
  • When drying, knead the accessory with a rolling pin or glass bottle;
  • treat the dry surface with several layers of castor oil.

These are general recommendations; each skin type requires additions and clarifications. Let's look at this in more detail.

Light leather

bright leather glovesThe accessory can be washed, but this will result in the appearance of streaks and yellowish spots on the surface. It is best to clean with soda and milk - you need to make a paste from the ingredients and wipe the entire dirty surface with the resulting solution. For white gloves, treatment with ammonia solution is recommended: alcohol is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:4, then problem areas are treated. Stains can be removed with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide.

Important! After finishing treatment with alcohol, alkaline or acidic compounds, be sure to apply several layers of caring cream, renewing the layer as it is absorbed. This is done to minimize the destructive effect of chemicals - alkalis, acids - on natural skin.

Dark leather

If the gloves are heavily soiled and require drastic measures, then you need to wash them using the above recommendations. Sometimes all you need is preventive measures to help remove small stains. In this case, you can limit yourself to cleaning:

  • prepare a soap solution from 2 tbsp. l. liquid product or shampoo, 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 liter of cool water;
  • clean the product worn on your hand by dipping a cotton swab into the resulting solution;
  • When finished, wipe with a clean cloth and dry.


suedeThis is a very capricious material, but it is washed even more often than products made from genuine leather. Suede gloves are washed in cool water using liquid detergents or soap and shampoos. Gloves are immersed in the prepared solution and dirt is removed by mechanical friction. It will be more convenient to work if you put gloves on your hands and use a brush or sponge.

Important! The impact on the velvety surface of suede (velor, split leather) should be gentle, without excessive friction, the devices used should be soft.

If the product is made of natural suede, then the material will not absorb excess water and will easily withstand washing. Very gloves are often made from velor or split leather, which get wet easily and require delicate drying and subsequent treatment with a moisture-resistant compound.

Made from mixed leather of different colors or leather

facilitiesColored or combination leather is cleaned using soaked bread crumbs placed on top for a quarter of an hour. Then everything is removed and the surface is wiped with a clean damp cloth, but each colored area separately. If this method does not help, then for brightly colored gloves of the same shade, you need to purchase a colored spray and refresh them.


For such delicate, thin skin, the above methods cannot be used. Her cannot be washed. The industry produces a special product for caring for this material, using which would be the most correct step. If you don’t have anything like this on hand, then home remedies will help you get out of the situation:

  • You can remove dirt from dark material with a swab dipped in glycerin;
  • For light-colored huskies, warm milk is suitable.

Knitted, fabric

woolenYou can use both hand and machine wash with this look. To get the best result, use the manufacturers' recommendations, but if you choose a machine, then the mode should be without spinning at high speeds and with a minimum temperature.


They can be machine washed on a delicate cycle, but it is best to do it by hand in lukewarm water using liquid wool detergent. If you don't have it on hand, you can use shampoo. The powder should not be used: it does not rinse well.

Important! Rinsing should be done in several waters, squeezing should be done extremely carefully, without twisting.


skiIn this sport, gloves get dirty faster than other equipment. For frequent washing, a delicate cycle in a washing machine using gel and a spin speed of no higher than 300–400 are suitable. They are dried hanging on a regular clothesline. After drying, treatment with moisture-repellent agents is recommended.

Rules for drying and caring for gloves

The basic rules for caring for leather products are simple, but require mandatory adherence:

  • red skinThe washed product is dried flat on a soft surface that absorbs moisture. Better place them between two layers of terry cloth. If you have a mannequin, hand drying is the best method;
  • Wet gloves should be placed away from heating appliances. Hairdryer cannot be used;
  • During the process of moisture evaporation, you need to knead the accessory rolling pin to prevent deformation and hardening of the skin;
  • dry gloves are treated with a stiff brush until soft. Then the product is lubricated with several layers of skin care cream or castor oil. The time interval for applying the next layer is several hours. It is necessary to monitor the absorption of the product.

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