How to care for leather gloves?

Leather gloves are not only stylish and expensive, but also a rather capricious accessory. Over the years, although it becomes more noble in appearance and emphasizes the status of the owner, it also requires a very careful attitude towards itself.

leather gloves

Features of genuine leather

Before purchasing gloves, you need to make sure the quality of the leather. A product made of poor quality leather can be damaged by the care that good material will withstand.

leather glove

Exists a number of rules that you need to know in order to initially reduce the adverse effects on the accessory:

  • Avoid exposure to water. Leather gloves are very susceptible to moisture, even though they are impregnated with a water-repellent composition. It will protect against rain, snow, and water getting on your hands. But it is extremely undesirable to play snowballs, keep them in water for a long time or leave them in a damp room.
  • Avoid cuts and damage to the skin. The gloves are made of thin leather, which is quite fragile. The damage will be impossible to hide.
  • Avoid exposure to cosmetics (eye shadows, creams, lipsticks) and perfumes. They easily penetrate into the structure of the skin, and they cannot be removed from there either independently or with the help of dry cleaning. Traces and stains remain.
  • Do not dry with a hair dryer, any hot appliances, on a radiator, or in sunlight. Only natural drying is allowed. This is due to the protein contained in the skin, which when heated becomes deformed and cannot be restored.

How to properly care for leather gloves to extend their service life

leather gloves

The main cause of pollution is street dust and dirt. And they get on things every day. You can take your gloves to the dry cleaner, but the result of the manipulations cannot be predicted. In addition, the accessory must be cleaned daily, and this is only possible at home.

Daily care

If you get into the habit of cleaning your gloves daily, deeper, more labor-intensive cleaning methods will be used much less frequently. It is better to clean with a soft cloth, and remove dust from the seams with a soft brush.

Do not knock dust out of your gloves by hitting them against each other. Soft skin may burst, and the stitches may not hold up.

leather gloves

Weekly care

The wet cleaning method is used less frequently. And they do it very carefully. For cleaning you will need:

  • water;
  • liquid soap;
  • cotton pads;
  • castor oil or glycerin;
  • soft fabric.

Washing powder and bleach are prohibited! These are very aggressive products that negatively affect leather products.

The glove is cleaned by first putting it on your hand. It is necessary to prepare a weak soap solution and wipe the glove with cotton pads soaked in this solution. The water should be at room temperature.Cotton pads should be wrung out well before use and replaced frequently as they become dirty.

leather gloves

Then wipe the product with a cloth soaked in plain water to remove soap.. You can add a drop of vinegar to the water to give the skin elasticity.

All manipulations must be carried out quickly, without allowing the water to act on the skin for a long time.

Now the glove must be dried and wiped with a cotton pad soaked in castor oil or glycerin. Finally, wipe with a wiping cloth.

Ammonia or vinegar will also help with cleaning. Ammonia is usedme in cases of severe salting. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4 (make the volume of the solution small, you can take a tablespoon to measure). And vinegar is diluted like this: 1 tsp. per glass of water. Wet the cotton pads and wipe them, changing them as they become dirty. Then wipe the product with a damp towel and dry.

leather gloves

All of the above methods work well for black and colored products. For white items, other cleaning methods are used.

  • Cleansing with low-fat milk. Moisten a cotton pad, squeeze well and wipe the glove. Change discs until the product is completely clean. Then dry the glove.
  • You can also use bread crumbs with milk. Soak the pulp well in milk and apply to the accessory for five minutes. Then remove the crumb from the surface and wipe the surface with a soft sponge. This method is also good for colored gloves.
  • Protein cleansing. Beat the egg white well, spread on the surface of the glove and leave for a few minutes. Then wipe with a damp towel and dry.
  • Lemon juice cleanse. Cotton pads are soaked in juice and wiped.

Stains appear on leather gloves - what to do?

leather gloves

The most important thing to do right away is to blot the stain with a paper towel or clean cloth. Just get wet - don't rub. There are several methods for cleaning stains:

  • Mix one protein with 50 ml of low-fat milk, apply to the stain, leave for a few minutes and wipe off with a dry piece of cloth.
  • Apply ammonia. The method is described above.
  • You can try using gasoline or thinner. But first you need to make sure that the leather itself and the paint are resistant to their effects. Dampen a rag and quickly wipe the stain until it disappears. Then leave the accessory to air.
  • Remove stains from white items using an onion. Use half an onion to rub the stain, constantly cutting off the contaminated layers. Then wipe with a damp towel and dry.

Is it possible to wash leather gloves in a machine or by hand?

Do not soak leather gloves or machine wash them. Intended exclusively handwash. If it is possible to pull the lining fabric out, wash it separately and dry it thoroughly. And the glove itself is washed with soapy water.

leather gloves

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