How to choose ski gloves?

Ski gloves are one of the most important elements of equipment for this sport. At first glance, they differ little from each other, but they have a number of differences. There are special requirements for choosing an accessory. They should not only provide comfortable riding, but also protect in case of a fall.

What's better, mittens or gloves?

In stores you can find two types of products to protect your hands from the cold when skiing:

  • gloves (this is an accessory that has a compartment for each finger on the hand);
  • mittens (equipped with only two compartments - for the thumb and all the rest).

There is also a variety of three-fingered mittens. This is a cross between gloves and mittens.

mittens or gloves?

It should be noted that the mittens provide greater warmth when skiing and are recommended for use on simple slopes or in natural conditions.This is due to the fact that in this type of protection it is difficult to control ski poles. Also, mittens are preferable for women, since ladies are less cold-resistant.

For professional sports and skiing on difficult ski slopes with natural obstacles, gloves with moisture protection and other important characteristics for this type are preferable. This type of protection allows you to perfectly control your ski poles and quickly fasten the bindings.

How to choose the right ski gloves: all the nuances

ski gloves

Today, in stores offering sports equipment, you can find a huge selection of mittens or gloves for skiing or snowboarding. They differ in type of material and characteristics. The design features are designed for different types of weather and other possibilities.

Experts note that despite the various criteria for selecting an accessory and careful study of the issue. A person is unlikely to be able to get by with just one pair of gloves, which will be suitable for different occasions. Rather, you will have to purchase several different products for each outing on the ski slope.

What materials are gloves made from?

The stores offer two types of materials from which ski gloves are made:

  • leather (a material that is spectacular in appearance, that perfectly “breathes” and has moisture-proof properties, but at the same time is quite expensive);
  • gortex (synthetically developed material, lightweight and breathable, providing reliable moisture protection for hands, and also having a very attractive price).

There are also cheaper models of gloves, made of polyurethane and nylon. They are completely synthetic and do not “breathe”, but are very resistant to wear.


The choice depending on the type of material is quite complicated and depends on the preferences of the athlete himself. If funds allow, and a person wants to look impressive on the ski slopes, you can purchase leather gloves. For people who care little about their appearance, devoting more time to riding and comfort, an accessory made of synthetic material is suitable.

What fillers are used?

ski gloves

To ensure that the athlete’s hands are maximally protected from adverse weather conditions, various types of insulation and other additional layers are used that can provide comfort and convenience while descending from the ski slope. An important element of protecting hands from moisture is membrane. This layer of special fabric is used in all types of gloves and mittens to reliably insulate hands from moisture.

Cheaper models are equipped not with a membrane, but with fabric impregnated with a special compound. As a rule, in their design, instead of insulation, ordinary cotton wool or foam rubber is used. They are much cheaper than professional accessories, but do not allow air to pass through at all.

In expensive models, a special thin material is used as insulation, providing reliable thermal insulation. Each company uses its own developed fabrics for this, with original ideas. In most cases, this is an artificially created material that not only reliably protects hands from the cold, but is also capable of removing moisture. Models with insulation made from natural wool or fleece are also available.

Gloves for cross-country skiing: how to choose?


Classic gloves for skiing are lightweight products, with or without a membrane, allowing freedom of action and “breathing”. It is important that they are designed specifically for this sport. Otherwise, a person may feel uncomfortable while riding.

There are heated models that have several modes or work to maintain the temperature for about 10 hours.

Sports models are made according to the same principle, but have additional protection elements. They are often used by professional athletes on difficult routes and slopes, where the descent is expected to touch the route with your hand.

Single-layer non-insulated models are also popular in cross-country skiing uniforms. They can be used as an independent accessory or as an addition to insulated gloves.

What gloves for snowboarding: how to choose?


For boarding on mountain slopes, stores widely stock models designed specifically for this sport. They are equipped with additional protection; they contain a membrane that protects the hand from cold and moisture and provides “breathing”. Their cut is less articulated, since representatives of the sport do not need to hold ski poles.

For snowboarding, they also often use universal membrane models, insulated and elongated at the wrist. They also have additional protective elements to avoid injury when touching a slope.

Top best ski gloves manufacturers

ski gloves

Modern gloves for skis and snowboards come in a wide range of prices from $15 to $80 per pair, and sometimes even more. The price often depends on the brand they are produced by. The most popular at the moment are:

  1. Level. A company that offers the highest quality models designed for a specific sport and meeting the needs of each person.
  2. Bask. Good gloves at an affordable price, but they have several significant disadvantages that complicate skiing on the slope.
  3. Burton. Offers high quality gloves equipped with a special system that allows you to use a smartphone without exposing your hands.
  4. Fischer. Decent models for active sports with good characteristics that provide comfort and reliable protection from wind, cold and moisture.

Properly selected gloves for alpine skiing should provide not only comfort when moving, but also reliable protection from injury in the event of a collision with the slope. The wide selection presented in sports stores makes it possible to choose a model that is sure to suit all individual indicators.

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