Why do you need a glove for a graphics tablet?

The graphics tablet combines art and technological progress. It allows you to draw electronic paintings that are no different from masterpieces on canvas.

Thanks to him, our children watch bright cartoons and can learn to draw without leaving the computer. Moreover, this skill will be useful in the future.

Only it has a disadvantage, by the way, similar to the inconvenience when drawing on canvas - a touching hand while working leaves streaks and stains the work surface. And it happens that because of sweating, work becomes uncomfortable, the hand glides poorly, and this interferes with the clear transmission of the image.

Glove for graphics tablet

To solve the problem of poor sliding and dirty surfaces, we came up with a special glove for a graphics tablet. Today it can be purchased separately, and with some models of the device it comes complete.

why a glove for a graph tablet?

The price, depending on the material and manufacturer, varies from 300 to 1000 rubles. If you can’t buy it, you can make it at home. Read about it below.

Features of working with a tablet

IMPORTANT! Drawing on the device is similar to painting on a regular canvas. Only for the tablet to work it needs to be connected to a computer or laptop. Install drivers and download a drawing program. It can also replace a mouse.

There are 2 types of graphics tablets:

  • plastic board. You draw on it with a stylus, and the image is transferred to the computer screen;
  • tablet with screen. To work, it also needs to be connected to a computer, but the image appears directly on the tablet screen.

REFERENCE! A stylus is a pencil for drawing on the working surface of the device. Old models run on batteries, new ones do not require recharging.

Despite the differences, the operating principle of both tablets is the same. Only the resolutions are different. The simplest model will have a resolution of 2-2.5 thousand lines per inch. For advanced users, resolution starts at 5 thousand lines per inch. The price also rises accordingly - without a screen and with a small resolution, 5-10 thousand rubles; with a screen and high resolution - from 100 thousand rubles.


IMPORTANT! When working, it is important to set up a program for Photoshop or drawing. If you do not set the brush mode, when you press the stylus, the stripe on the screen will be the same thickness. If you configure the program correctly, the thickness of the line on the screen will depend on how hard you press the stylus.

Why a glove?

When working with a graphics tablet, an important factor is hand sliding. The stylus transfers images quickly, so smooth movements are needed for a clear drawing. If your hand sweats and doesn’t glide well, the picture will turn out intermittent and it will be difficult to learn to draw beautifully, much less professionally.

A glove with one or two fingers is needed so that the hand can glide and not stain the work surface.Three fingers remain free to comfortably hold the stylus. They are made from soft material, sometimes from lycra, and at the same time they also polish the screen.

ADVICE! If you don’t have special gloves, you can make them yourself. Take cotton gloves and cut off the thumb, index and middle fingers.

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