What do you give for a wedding?

A wedding is an important and solemn event. This ritual is not significant for everyone - for many it is enough to legitimize their relationship in front of the state by signing it in the appropriate document. If a couple decides to get married, their family and friends should think about a worthy present. Souvenirs that are symbolic, useful in family life, and that correspond to the preferences of the spouses are suitable.


Other gifts from witnesses, friends

Not only religious, but also useful everyday gifts would be appropriate from friends and close relatives. In this case, you should choose from categories that are often considered when looking for a gift for a regular birthday. wedding.

One of the most successful options is dishes. This could be a good quality service with beautiful painting, paired personalized glasses. An excellent choice is wedding cups made of silver. They should be engraved accordingly as a keepsake. By the way, there will also be a set of spoons made of this noble metal.


Significant gifts will be dishes and utensils that are made at monasteries by the hands of parishioners and monks.

Another good gift is a set of Cahors and crystal glasses. A souvenir - a portrait of a couple. It is not forbidden to hand over money - it is worth doing it in a beautifully decorated envelope. It is also appropriate to present a photo album of the author’s design, where the first one will be a photo from the wedding day.

Photo album

But it is not recommended to give household appliances and various kitchen appliances, which are so often presented as wedding gifts.

The selected gifts must be presented after the ceremony. It is strictly forbidden to present any objects within the walls of the temple.

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