What flower to give for housewarming?

Moving to a new apartment or house is a significant reason to celebrate. Well, where there is a celebration, there are gifts. One of the best housewarming gifts is a flower. Which one to choose? After all, only certain types of plants are able to create a favorable atmosphere in the house or solve useful problems.

Indoor flower or freshly cut bouquet

Many people choose a potted plant as a housewarming gift. The advantage of this choice is the durability of indoor flowers. They will delight household members with their beauty for a long time, but, of course, with proper care. But the need for the latter becomes a disadvantage for many: not everyone has the time for this, others lack experience, and indeed the desire. For the last category of housewives, a good option would be to present a composition of cut flowers.

Tips for choosing a housewarming bouquet

The variety of flowers can be any - roses, callas, chrysanthemums, gerberas, asters, tulips. If possible, you need to find out about the preferences of the hostess. In addition, it is worth considering age-related recommendations:

  • for a young or middle-aged housewife, it is better to choose a plant of a light shade, for example, beige or pink, and the buds in the composition should be half-open;
  • for a lady of venerable age, flowers of rich colors are suitable;
  • if in the house where they are celebrating housewarming, there is a school-age girl, it’s worth giving her a bouquet of lilies of the valley, daisies, and gerberas.

Successful options for indoor plants

Potted plants chosen as a gift should create comfort, bring joy, and improve the atmosphere. Each of them has a certain symbolism. In addition, with the help of such a gift you can express any wish to the owners of the house.

housewarming flower


The list of the most successful plants in a pot includes:

  1. Pachira aquatica. Most of this representative of the flora is known as the tree of happiness. Its leaves are compared to a palm with its fingers spread apart. With them she catches the “microns” of happiness, accumulates them and creates a happy aura around herself.
  2. Crassula Ovata, Crassula. This is the same money tree. It is distinguished by the unusual beauty of its crown, ease of care and the ability to “attract” wealth into the home. It is believed that a very young plant should be presented. The owners must raise it themselves, properly caring for it. In this way, they themselves contribute to the formation of an aura of well-being.
  3. Monstera. This plant is also recommended as a gift for little ones. It is believed that the more the monstera grows, the stronger the friendship between the donor and the owners will become. In addition, the advantage of plants is that it is a kind of green filter: it absorbs harmful impurities present in the air, and also prevents the emergence and development of viruses and other microorganisms. He is also a home weather forecaster.Before the rain, dew appears on the leaves.
  4. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus). Its beneficial properties are perhaps widely known. It releases phytoncides, which minimize the presence of bacteria in the air. In a home where there is this plant, it is easier to breathe. An additional plus is that insects cannot stand its aroma, so there will definitely be no flies, mosquitoes, moths or ants near the eucalyptus.
  5. Spathiphyllum. And its leaves secrete phytoncides, so it has properties similar to the previous one. It is called "women's happiness." According to beliefs, there will be good family relationships in a house where there is a plant.
  6. Anthurium. Well, this flower is often called “male happiness.” With such a representative of the flora in the house, the owner can be confident in his abilities and family well-being.
  7. Phalaenopsis. This is one of the many types of orchids. How can you characterize this flower? Orchid - and that says it all. Delicate and bright, attracting with its exoticism and aristocracy - this plant will become a real decoration of the home. Such a gift rarely leaves anyone indifferent.
  8. Pelargonium. By presenting this plant to new residents, the donor demonstrates his good attitude and wishes for good luck in money and love affairs. The representative of the flora relieves stress and helps to reconcile those who are in a quarrel. This is a reliable amulet and talisman of love. According to popular beliefs, a white plant helps to conceive a child, an orange one reduces the likelihood of conflicts, and a red one attracts prosperity and good luck to the home.
  9. Kitchen herbs. A suitable option for a housewife who loves and knows how to cook. Fresh basil, rosemary, sage, and aromatic parsley will improve the taste of dishes and give them uniqueness.
  10. Lemon Tree. The aroma of the plant charges with positivity, promotes activity, and increases the desire for knowledge. The last property is especially useful if schoolchildren or students live in the house. When a plant bears fruit, it releases a lot of positive energy. In addition, no one will refuse to drink tea with citrus fruit that grew on their own tree.

In addition to the above options, a so-called balcony specimen would be a good plant as a housewarming gift. This category includes petunia, the already mentioned geranium, violet, and decorative sunflower.

Whatever plant you choose, you will definitely love this housewarming gift! After all, flowers and other representatives of flora decorate our lives, make our home more comfortable and have a beneficial effect on the climate.

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