Comic housewarming gifts

When looking for a housewarming gift for friends or relatives, invitees consider such categories of gifts as household appliances, decor, interior elements, dishes, and home textiles. The choice of them will certainly be the right one - the heroes of the occasion will certainly appreciate it.

However, sometimes you want to see something original or even a comic gift with humor among a series of household appliances, plates, decorative vases and lamps. If friends, like guests, are in the same positive mood, then, of course, they will correctly perceive a cool souvenir. Moreover, a gift can combine practical benefits and have some kind of comic feature.

Nuances of cool gifts

Everyone knows that there are as many opinions as there are people. That is, everyone looks at the same object differently. And what one person finds original and creative, another may find offensive. This is the main rule when choosing a comic present - it should not be ridiculing or offensive to the heroes of the occasion.

In addition, you should not consider “funny” gifts that somehow have sexual overtones or are made in the form of excrement. Such options can not only offend the owners and introduce some dissonance on a holiday, but also to humiliate the donor himself in the eyes of others.

The present is even cool - it demonstrates the attitude of the guest towards the heroes of the occasion. It should not evoke disgust or other negative emotions. It is important to be able to see the line between humorous and vulgar, and the so-called degree of coolness of a souvenir should depend on how close the relationship is between the donor and those to whom he gives this gift.

housewarming gift

Comic souvenirs

All gifts with humor can be divided into those that have no practical use and those that combine creativity and functionality. Examples of the first category of souvenirs may include:

  • medals with various inscriptions appropriate to the occasion, for example “Best Host” and “Best Housewife”, “For Efforts”, etc.;
  • a horseshoe is a well-known amulet for the home, which can be of a wide variety of designs and contain parting words or words of congratulations, including humorous ones;
  • gift diplomas (plaques) - “10 commandments of happy new residents”, “House of exemplary maintenance and high culture of life”;
  • a set of nesting dolls with the faces of all family members;
  • a megaphone with the original inscription “Commander's Plowshare”;
  • a sign on the door “Come in – we’re used to everything”;
  • bag of laughter;
  • a wooden block in the shape of a telephone with buttons;
  • money tree (not a well-known living plant, but a souvenir tree with leaves made from banknotes);
  • anti-crisis talisman in the shape of a barrel filled with coins;
  • a comic warrant for a housewarming party, which spells out the rights and responsibilities of each member of the household;
  • a box with “Soothing”, which contains bubble polyethylene packaging - many people like to “click” it as an anti-stress.

housewarming gift

Cool and practical gifts

Such gifts can fulfill their direct functions, but be of an unusual shape, accompanied by comic inscriptions, etc. Such options can be called an ideal choice for a housewarming party: they will cheer you up and at the same time be useful. Below is a fairly extensive list of practical gifts with humor - all you have to do is choose the right one. An additional advantage of such options is that many of them, for all their originality and practicality, are quite inexpensive:

  • clockwork salt and pepper shakers (operated using keys, they move around the table themselves, eliminating the need to pass them around);
  • a shoehorn designed with humor - on cardboard with a portrait of Einstein there is a pink spoon that imitates the scientist’s tongue;
  • piggy bank for traffic jams - will give the hero of the occasion an idea for a new hobby (collecting interesting specimens);
  • non-standard alarm clock - there are a wide variety of models that wake you up in an unusual way: they require you to stand on a mat to turn off the alarm or are equipped with a laser pistol with which you need to get into the shooting range;
  • an apron with the inscription “Chief of Ladles” - it will serve as a challenge banner in the family (depending on who is cooking or washing dishes this week);
  • telescopic fork or spoon - with its help you can taste the delicacy even from the other end of the table;
  • a set of “drunk” glasses - have an original shape;
  • door mat with funny inscriptions like “No goodies allowed”, “Start/Finish”, “Please stay on the mat. Your visit is very important to us.Your call will be processed soon";

  • unusually shaped slippers for all family members;
  • cool sofa cushions - 3D in the shape of a donut;
  • a kettle stylized as a stove-stove;
  • a piggy bank that “chews” or “begs” for coins;
  • a canvas painting based on a photo, where family members are depicted in some funny images;
  • a bath mat whose color changes upon contact with water;
  • “Smiley” toaster - toasted pieces of bread appear with images of funny faces;

    Toaster Smiley.

  • T-shirts for all family members with funny inscriptions;
  • a spontaneously rolling ball that collects garbage;
  • set of pillowcases “Royal Family”;
  • soap postcard with an indelible design: “For money laundering”;
  • set of germinating pencils.

The choice of humorous gifts that will create the mood not only on holidays is huge. You just have to decide which option to go with.

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