10 wedding anniversary: ​​what is it called, what to give

The first “round” wedding anniversary is an important event in family life. This anniversary is a reason for pride and positive emotions. Each wedding anniversary has its own name. The tenth is tin or pink. What is the symbolism of these names? What would be a good gift for spouses?

Tenth wedding anniversary: ​​features of the symbol

Tin is a ductile and malleable metal. The same can be said about relationships: flexibility and the ability to find a compromise helped the spouses reach their anniversary. On the other hand, the family union can be considered still quite young. This is a time of romance, love and reverent attitude towards each other, which is why this anniversary is also called pink. The flower evokes associations with tenderness and passion, beauty and the danger of sharp thorns. The latter symbolize various problems and disagreements that may arise in the family. However, the strength of feelings, the strength of preserved tenderness and passion help to stay together no matter what.

Interestingly, the name “pink” is also used for the 17th wedding anniversary.

tin or pink wedding


What do they give for 10 years of marriage?

When thinking about a gift for a tin wedding date, you should take into account the symbolism of the celebration and the preferences of the spouses. Thematic gifts will not always be appropriate, so you should first of all choose the item that will evoke pleasant emotions. And packaging, design options or engravings that suit the occasion will help reflect the symbolism of the date.

What to give your husband

Pewter items that your spouse may enjoy include:

  • flask;
  • drink bottle;
  • beer mug;
  • wine glass;
  • a table clock;
  • collectible spoon;
  • lighter.

If none of the above is suitable, then the choice should be based on personal preferences, wishes or hobbies. Some men are avid gamers, others love active recreation, and still others are very kind to their “swallow”, while others play some kind of sport or simply lead an active lifestyle.

gifts for 10th wedding anniversary


Of course, everyone has different options for spending their leisure time and it makes no sense to list everything. However, choosing a gift taking into account a hobby or hobby is always a good option, which will certainly evoke pleasant emotions.

What to give your wife

Regardless of what gift the spouse chooses for his beloved, he must give his other half a bouquet of 11 roses. Ten pink ones will symbolize the years lived together, one white one will symbolize hope for an equally happy future.

Thematic souvenirs will include not only products made of tin, but also those decorated in pink.

It is symbolic to exchange custom-made tin rings on the day of the celebration or the day before. Additionally, they can be equipped with memorable inscriptions.

Women are always happy with jewelry. You can choose a product with a pink stone.A budget option would be an accessory with quartz, a more expensive option would be jewelry with pearls, topaz or sapphire of the desired shade.

gift for wife

Various gadgets are considered modern gifts. An anniversary is a good reason to change your smartphone to a newer model, get an e-reader or a tablet. By the way, your spouse will also appreciate this gift option.

Purchasing a certificate for receiving services or purchasing is another good choice. The other half will choose the procedure in the beauty salon or the perfume they like in the store.

What do children get for their 10th birthday?

The anniversary of marriage is usually celebrated, as they say, on a grand scale. However, it happens that spouses prefer to spend it in a narrow circle. In any case, the most honored guests are the parents.

What to give to children? The gift can be practical, giving comfort, taking into account the symbolism of the celebration. The latter include the following tin options:

  • dishes or paired serving items: a set of decanter and glass, tray, bucket for cooling drinks, etc.;
  • decorative items and interior elements: figurine, candlesticks, wall plate, table clock, vase, horseshoe for good luck, key holder, etc.

Items for decorating a room and creating coziness, appropriate for gifting for a decade of marriage, do not have to be made of tin. You can take into account another symbol of the celebration and give a lamp with a pink lampshade or a pattern of roses, decorative pillows for the sofa, decorated in a themed color scheme, a tablecloth with a set of napkins, etc.

Practical and appropriate gifts from parents include household appliances and furniture. Spouses probably have such must-have devices as a washing machine, vacuum cleaner and refrigerator.However, useful technology options that are not present in every home include:

  • thermopot;
  • coffee maker;
  • “smart” kettle;
  • robot vacuum cleaner;
  • air conditioner;
  • juicer;
  • humidifier;
  • heater or bio-fireplace.

For furniture, you can choose something original, for example, an ottoman for the hallway with internal pockets for storing shoes or a console table that fits onto the sofa, with sockets and USB chargers.

What to give to friends

Giving a gift that will evoke pleasant emotions in two people at once is a task that seems quite difficult. However, with the existing variety of choices of touching or original souvenirs, useful devices and unusual accessories, it will be possible to please the spouses. Friends can use the above options - give a souvenir made of tin or in a themed color scheme. And also take into account the preferences of the wedding celebrants. Here are a few more options for successful gifts:

  • bedding set;
  • souvenir medals or coins with commemorative engraving;
  • a set of dishes for a picnic (appropriate colors);
  • blanket for two with sleeves;
  • rose scented candles;
  • a painting depicting a flower-symbol;
  • chess with tin figures;
  • home plant of the desired shade;
  • small household appliances.

When choosing a gift for a decade of marriage, you should not forget about preparing congratulations appropriate for the occasion.

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