31 years old: what kind of wedding, what to give?

Every wedding anniversary is an important milestone for the family on a long, and sometimes difficult, but happy and joyful journey. However, a date such as 31 years of marriage is of particular importance. Such a solid period together is worthy of respect and admiration, and therefore I would like to celebrate the event, knowing its symbol, the traditions associated with it, and presenting a useful gift appropriate to the occasion.

31st wedding anniversary: ​​what is it called, features and traditions of the holiday

The date following the 30th anniversary was called “sunny” or “dark.” What is the symbolism? When a couple is just starting family life, it is considered “green” - like a young and still fragile sprout.

Over time, relationships become reliable, “hardening”, despite various life troubles. They seem to become darker, tanned and at the same time warm. This is typical for any living creature or natural object that has the ability to accumulate heat when exposed to sunlight for a long time.

The symbol of the anniversary is a daylight with energy, power, and vitality. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the event in the fresh air. Of course, if the weather and season permits. The obligatory dish of this day is pancakes.

Interestingly, it is recommended to consume freshly baked delicacies exclusively rolled. You cannot tear or cut it, as this is considered a bad omen.

The colors of the day are white, yellow, orange, red. Moreover, they can be used both when choosing an outfit, and when decorating a table, and even preparing a holiday menu. These shades, as well as bronze and gold, are worth taking into account when thinking about the presentation option.

What can spouses give each other for a sunny wedding?

This anniversary is not an anniversary, so it is traditionally celebrated in a small circle of those closest to you or together. Presents given by spouses to each other should be associated with a symbol of celebration, that is, be warm (both literally and figuratively), give positive emotions and energy. It is also appropriate to choose a gift in the so-called solar palette.

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when choosing a gift that will please is to give something that your other half dreams of. This option will undoubtedly evoke warm feelings and demonstrate love and attention.

It makes no sense to list options that correspond to your spouse’s hobby, because everyone has their own. We can only advise and support the symbolism of the date. For example, by engraving or choosing the appropriate material or shade.

You can apply the number 31 (just it or accompanied by an inscription) on almost any material. For example, engraving is done on leather, metal, glass, wood. Therefore, the choice of a suitable gift is quite varied.

If this is jewelry, then it should be made of yellow metal or with a stone of similar shades. Budget options include accessories with topaz, zircon, and amber.

Reference. Heliodor is considered a real “sun” stone (not only because of the name). This is a very beautiful mineral - a type of beryl. Jewelry with it can be found in both regular and online stores. The cost of rings and other accessories ranges from average to quite high.

Ring with heliodor.

A non-trivial and pleasant option for both would be dinner in a restaurant where the interior is decorated in warm, “sunny” colors.

And most importantly, you should not adhere to the symbols of the holiday if the proposed options do not correspond to tastes, preferences and lifestyle. Yellow, orange, gold or brown colors can be used in packaging. And inside it there should be a thing that will bring a happy smile to a loved one. What is this item? Having lived together for 31 years, the spouses should know this.

Gift options for a sunny wedding from friends or relatives

Gifts that will add comfort to the home or evoke positive emotions in both spouses will help demonstrate warmth and support solar symbolism. As a rule, common gifts are given for 31 years of marriage:

  • lamps, floor lamps, chandeliers and any other light sources - their design must match the style of the room;
  • a beautiful landscape with the image of a daylight - this can be not only a traditional option, but also a trendy lightbox or a modular product;
  • mirror in a frame designed in the form of rays;
  • a biofireplace is undoubtedly a warm and useful gift;
  • a collage of photographs of the couple over the entire period of their family life;
  • home flower - of course, the appropriate shade;
  • sunglasses - both copies must be in the same style and placed in yellow cases;
  • event ticket, certificate, vacation package;
  • various items for a country plot or cottage - garden wicker furniture, bench-swing, etc.;
  • salt lamp - combines original appearance and benefits.
Salt lamp.

Reference. The use of a salt lamp is indicated for asthma and allergies, insomnia, neuroses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, pathologies of the ENT organs and many other diseases.

If possible, then it is worth purchasing something necessary from household appliances. As a rule, children, close relatives or friends know what exactly the spouses need.

If this is an expensive item, you should consider purchasing it together. Let the anniversary present be the same from all the guests, but it will be useful and necessary.

This is precisely the symbolism of a sunny wedding - to give attention, love and tenderness. This will undoubtedly evoke pleasant emotions among the heroes of the occasion and will warm them mentally.

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