40 years: what kind of wedding, what to give

The fortieth wedding anniversary is a significant, and also an anniversary date. It is definitely worth celebrating, receiving a charge of positive emotions and impressions for warm memories. What is a holiday without gifts and traditions?

40 years: what kind of wedding anniversary is it, its features

The fortieth anniversary is called the ruby ​​anniversary. The stone after which the date is named undergoes lengthy, careful, painstaking processing and polishing. Only after this is a precious, stunningly beautiful ruby ​​obtained, used in jewelry. By analogy with a stone, family relationships take a long time to form, spouses learn to interact with each other, adapt, and compromise. The result is a strong marriage where harmony, wisdom and understanding reign.

Ruby has a distinct red hue, symbolizing fidelity and love. It is also the color of fire, which can be associated with the hearth and its warmth.Despite various difficulties, including quarrels, problems, misunderstandings, the couple were able to maintain their relationship and now enjoy peace and happiness.

ruby wedding

It’s good if the grandchildren make a present with their own hands. These could be painted portraits of grandparents, or a homemade card with wishes. A great option is to read poetry at the celebration.

What do friends get for their 40th wedding anniversary?

You can prepare practical, useful gifts for friends. Bed linen, pillows with special filling, a warm blanket, and paired bathrobes are suitable. If spouses spend a lot of time at the dacha or like to relax in nature, then it is worth giving them a barbecue, a hammock, or special folding furniture.

Sets of dishes are suitable as a gift; they can be engraved or with an image of the spouses. Additionally, you can present 40 varieties of tea as a symbol of the 40th anniversary.

Gifts for the wedding date can be anything. The main thing is that they become useful and pleasant for the spouses, reflect the love of the giver and how well he knows the couple. It is recommended to clarify in advance what gifts the guests and the husband and wife themselves are going to give, so that repetition and awkward situations do not arise.

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