8 years of wedding: what kind of wedding, what do they give?

Every anniversary is a special holiday for spouses. They can celebrate it in a noisy company, among loved ones, or just the two of them. The date of eight years from the wedding day has certain traditions and recommendations related to gifts. It’s worth understanding everything in more detail.

8 year anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding is it, features

The date of 8 years from the wedding day is called tin or poppy. This is not a round anniversary, but many couples choose to celebrate this day, since the number 8 is associated with the infinity sign.

Tin is an alloy based on steel that undergoes special processing. High-strength metal has good ductility and flexibility, which is why tin is a symbol of 8 years of marriage. By this time, the spouses had managed to strengthen their relationship and become more pliable in it. They learned to compromise, solve problems, and not make difficult situations worse.

The tin has a shiny surface - the husband and wife become a mirror image of each other.After 8 years of marriage, the couple has already overcome many crises and difficult periods in the relationship, which has led to an increase in the strength of their union. Family life can be compared to a sheet of tin.

tin wedding gift


Another name for the anniversary is poppy. This is due to the fact that the flower is a symbol of love and financial well-being. It is believed that it is during this period that children are born and the purchase of their own home occurs.

There are many traditions associated with the eighth anniversary that arose a long time ago. One of them is that spouses leave a strong drink in a tin container on their doorstep. Anyone can try it, but in return you must leave a coin. This is a symbol of wishing the couple well-being and happiness.

There is a tradition when a wife early in the morning prepares a poppy seed pie or any other pastry with this ingredient for her husband. Then she divides the dish into equal parts and treats everyone who lives with the couple. You can even give out pieces of the pie to passers-by.

If you plan to celebrate the eighth anniversary, it is recommended that there be a poppy seed cake on the table. It is better if the wife bakes it herself. A tin object is also placed on the table. It should be clean and literally sparkle.

What do you give for a tin wedding?

The choice of anniversary gifts must be taken seriously. It is worth focusing on the traditions associated with a specific date, on the interests and desires of the spouses themselves.

gifts for tin wedding

To my husband

To maintain the symbolism, it is better if the gift contains something tin. For example, a new bucket for catch is suitable for a fisherman. If your spouse prefers beer as a drink, you can present him with a full keg. For a man who smokes, they often choose a cigarette case or a beautiful lighter. They can be engraved.

Jewelry is given not only to women, but also to men, so it’s worth considering this option. If your spouse often wears suits and shirts, he will be pleased to receive cufflinks.

The main gift may not be tin, but it is worth adding a symbol of the anniversary. For example, present a keychain made of this material.

For those with a sweet tooth, a cake in the form of a tin can will be a good present. Not everyone can prepare such a delicacy on their own. But you can make a cake to order.

It is worth remembering about traditional gifts for men in the form of perfume, useful accessories, gadgets and other things.


In addition to tin, the poppy is also a symbol of the anniversary. You can present your wife with objects with his image. For example, decorative pillows, bed linen. A good present would be a set of various baking dishes, frying pans, and original jars for storing spices.

If you want to present more traditional options, for example, cosmetics, then it can be in tin jars rather than in the usual tubes. Decorations with images of poppies or tin boxes for storing them are also suitable.

Regardless of the option chosen, the man should present his wife with a bouquet. These could be poppies, serving as a symbol of the anniversary. But if you couldn’t find them, you should simply present the woman’s favorite flowers.

Additional gifts can be a tin can with sweets or a keychain with a photo of the couple and touching words.

For children

Recommendations for selecting suitable gifts also apply when purchasing gifts for children. It can be anything that is made of tin and is needed in everyday life, in the kitchen. Sets of pots, pans, useful baking items, various containers for storing food.You can also present household appliances, such as a multicooker, yogurt maker, etc.

Options for gifts from parents include bed linen, bathrobes, and towels. You can make a warmer and touching gift. For example, a painting of young people that will decorate the house.


In addition to the options listed above, it is appropriate to give friends dishes, vases, metal figurines, and a set of cutlery. You can also give impressions as a gift. It is enough to purchase a certificate from a suitable field. This could be training courses, horseback riding, ATV riding, visiting a quest, etc. There are quite a lot of entertainment options.

tin wedding


When choosing a gift, it is recommended to check with other guests what they plan to give. This will avoid situations with matching gifts.

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