Beryl wedding - what to give

When entering into a legal marriage, people believe in a cloudless life together, prosperity, a bright future, and hope to spend as much time together as possible. Unfortunately, not every couple can boast of achieving their hopes. That’s why people who have managed to live in marriage for more than 20 years treat every significant date with such reverence.

If the spouses were able to reach the twenty-third anniversary of their marriage, this indicates that they overcame all adversity, difficulties, experienced many moments of happiness, while maintaining sincere affection for each other. This significant event deserves to be celebrated among the closest and dearest people.

A beryl wedding is how many years ago?

For most married couples, it is customary to celebrate only round dates associated with the creation of a social unit. Usually this is a silver and gold wedding. However, smaller celebrations, such as the beryl anniversary, also deserve attention.

Twenty-three years is a rather symbolic period of time: it takes exactly so many seconds for blood to make a full revolution through the circulatory system. So after this milestone, the heroes of the occasion enter a new stage in their relationship. Usually the children are already quite old, most have started their own lives, so the spouses finally have the opportunity to pay due attention to their other half. And a significant date is a great way to celebrate this event.

What to give for a beryl wedding

Usually the twenty-third anniversary is celebrated with the closest people. Presents can be of two types - either related to the symbol of the celebration, or a paired gift.

To my husband

Such a wonderful date is a great opportunity to give your spouse a beautiful surprise, demonstrating your feelings, care, and respect:

  1. A good option is cufflinks. The accessory will not only be a stylish and useful gift, but will also act as a talisman of good luck. You can order a product inlaid with a symbol of the celebration, or present a more discreet option - cufflinks decorated with beautiful engraving.

    Cufflinks with beryl.
  2. If the husband works in an office or loves exclusively business style, give a tie clip. The accessory can be decorated with a scattering of beryls or have a corresponding commemorative inscription.
  3. If your other half appreciates expensive alcohol, an excellent solution would be bottle of collectible cognac, whiskey or wine. This is for real men's gift, to which the spouse will be sincerely happy.
  4. Don't forget about your hobbies. So, a hunter will appreciate a set of camping utensils, a fisherman will be delighted with a cool spinning rod, a car enthusiast will be happy with ergonomic covers, a gamer will be happy with a professional chair, a music lover will be delighted with a speaker system or high-quality headphones.


The twenty-third anniversary is a worthy occasion to please your beloved with a romantic gift:

  1. The best option is jewelry. Moreover, it should not be catchy. You can present a ring decorated with beryl. It will not only appeal to your other half, but will also become the personification of a strong relationship.

    Ring with beryl.

    What gift for spouses to choose for friends or relatives

    The peculiarity of the beryl anniversary is its intimacy, because it is usually celebrated with a small number of family and friends. Considering the proximity of the silver anniversary, many years of marriage, and an established life, guests can present not only pleasant, but also useful gifts:

    • two sets of bed linen in thematic colors, made from natural materials - silk, cotton, linen;
    • a pair of cozy bathrobes or soft towels;
    • coffee or tea set, decorated with green ornaments or made in monochrome colors;
    • a pair of glasses for wine or champagne, tied with a ribbon in a color corresponding to the date, complemented by a bottle of elite alcohol;
    • two warm blankets for relaxing together on dark winter evenings with elegant patterns of the beryl palette: soft yellow, light green, smoky pink.

    Features and traditions associated with the anniversary

    It is no coincidence that beryl, a natural stone that does not belong to the group of highly valuable natural minerals, was chosen as the symbol of the celebration. Despite this fact, it is distinguished by incredible transparency, hardness, and a wide palette of delicate shades. Each of the characteristics symbolizes many stages of married life:

    1. Topazes, emeralds, blue aquamarines are the closest relatives of beryl. But all their beauty is revealed only in the hands of an experienced jeweler.Likewise, family ties - fragile and tender - require careful treatment, and only wise people are able to create a strong union.
    2. During the cutting process, the mineral is heated in a chamber at a very high temperature. Similarly, a unit of society must overcome various trials, when everyone strives to maintain feelings, loyalty, reliability, harmony, mutual understanding and trust.

      Faceted beryl.
    3. This family of minerals tends to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Likewise, marriage bonds have many multi-colored facets, each of which symbolizes moments of happiness, experiences, pleasant surprises, hardships - everything that the spouses went through during their 23 years of marriage.

    This date seems to many not so important, because it is not an anniversary. Therefore, unlike a silver or gold wedding, it is celebrated with a small number of traditions. However, in order to bring joy to your other half, you should not forget even the little things.

    Common shades of beryl are yellowish or light green (although white, blue and even red stones are also found).

    Types of beryl.

    The table decoration should include accessories made in thematic colors. This could be a tablecloth, napkins, a bowl of fruit, fresh flowers. The latter are considered a symbol of health and renewal of family relationships.

    Table decoration.

    Despite the fact that beryl is colored green, scarlet roses should be given on this day. Moreover, the number of plants must coincide with the date being celebrated.

    There are a great many options to please the heroes of the occasion. But the main component of the holiday is a warm atmosphere, sincerity of feelings, an atmosphere of love and family harmony.

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