What to give to parents for an emerald wedding?

Every anniversary of family life is a significant event for the couple and loved ones. All anniversaries have their own name, which contains a certain symbolism. Wooden, pink, glass, silver and even gold... These wedding dates are known to most. But few people have heard about the emerald anniversary. This is because not every couple gets to celebrate it. What date is this and what gift options should I choose? More on this later.

Emerald wedding anniversary: ​​how old is it, about the features of the symbol

The stone, known for its beauty, rarity and high cost, gave its name to the anniversary of their marriage - 55 years. The date is more than respectable, inspiring respect, evoking touching feelings.

55th anniversary emerald wedding


More than half a century together... How many joyful and sad moments the spouses experienced while walking through life, as they say, hand in hand.There are probably no gifts or words that could fully express admiration for the strength of feelings, wisdom and patience, and perseverance in the face of any hardships in life, from which every family is not immune.

What is known about the emerald - the symbol of the anniversary? This mineral is a type of beryl, usually a beautiful grass-green color, and very durable. Large specimens without any defects are valued more than a diamond. Jewelry with this stone is an example of high art that evokes admiration. They are expensive, so not everyone can afford to buy them.

Emerald is believed to have healing and magical properties. These include normalization of blood pressure, hormonal levels, and the functioning of many body systems. The stone soothes and has a bactericidal effect. The water in which the mineral has lain can be drunk without boiling or washed with it if you have skin problems.

As for magical properties, the gem sends prophetic dreams and helps them come true, embodies vitality, harmony of soul and body, protects the family hearth, and protects marital feelings. The mineral resists the blows of fate, takes away aggression directed at its owner, nullifies negativity and stress.

In many cultures, emerald is considered a symbol of loyalty and honesty. This could not be more relevant for the heroes of the occasion, because if not for these qualities, the couple would hardly be able to save their marriage.

The anniversary does not require any special rituals or traditions of celebration. It is worth celebrating so that the day brings only pleasant emotions.

emerald wedding

Gift options for an emerald wedding for parents and loved ones

For any wedding anniversary, it is recommended to give gifts related to the symbolism of the celebration.However, not everyone can give an accessory or jewelry with an emerald. If this is not possible, it is better to use the traditional shade of the stone or the number 55 in the gift. Or choose a necessary and useful item, accompanying it with a small symbolic souvenir.

It goes without saying that a gift from children will be help in preparing the celebration. Spouses celebrating such a significant anniversary of family life, as a rule, find it difficult to organize even a small event.

Other good gift options for parents include:

  • a joint portrait of a couple or a family portrait is a gift that will remind you of the event for a long time;
  • a trip to a sanatorium - the spouses will be able not only to relax, but also to undergo a course of healing procedures;
  • paired wine glasses or glasses in the style of the celebration are a beautiful and symbolic option;
  • a photo album or video retrospective with photographs or videos of joyful events in the life of the heroes of the day - from the wedding day to the 55th anniversary;
  • household appliances - perhaps the spouses are dreaming of some kind of device or something has recently broken down;
  • orthopedic mattress and pillows - it is children who must take care of the comfort and health of their parents;
  • interior elements, decor, dishes, home textiles - it’s worth choosing items themed colors or decorate them with embroidery, commemorative engraving that would correspond with the name, symbolism or contain the number 55.

Other invited guests can also use the above recommendations. It is worth remembering that a couple who has lived together for such a long period will appreciate not so much pompous or expensive gifts as the care and attention shown by loved ones.

You should also prepare beautiful and touching congratulations.Younger family members - grandchildren, great-grandchildren - can organize a creative gift for wedding celebrants. With the help of parents, children can easily hold a small family concert.

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