What to give for your first wedding anniversary

A year has passed since the day the newlyweds exchanged rings and wedding promises. The first anniversary is a special date. Memories of the family’s birthday and the joy of finally being together are still fresh. At the same time, during the period that has passed since the wedding, feelings were tested by everyday life. This is the first important family holiday, which is sure to mark the beginning of an annual tradition. One of the conditions for the good mood of the heroes of the occasion is a well-chosen gift.

What is the first wedding anniversary called?

The holiday date - one year from the wedding day - was called calico. There are several assumptions why this day is called that way. First of all, the material that gives the family celebration its name was previously often used to make diapers. After all, after a year, the couple, as a rule, either already had a child, or he was about to be born.

gifts for chintz wedding

The metaphorical meaning of the name is associated with the properties of the material. Chintz is a fragile fabric. The same can be said about the family after a year of life.The marital union is still unstable. The past year has been a kind of testing period for a young couple, when feelings are tested for strength. And the spouses get to know each other. If a very recently formed unit of society cannot withstand everyday problems, then family ties will break - as easily as calico fabric breaks, if you put in very little effort.

What is a symbolic gift to give for your first wedding anniversary?

Today it would be appropriate to present chintz only as a souvenir. However, presenting any textile product to the heroes of the occasion will help maintain the tradition. Spouses can give each other something more personal, such as lingerie or accessories. And relatives or friends can give:

  • warm blanket;
  • an elegant tablecloth;
  • cover;
  • stylish curtains;
  • bed sheets;
  • terry sheet;
  • stylish towels.

For budget gifts, original napkins or compact paintings on fabric are suitable options, which, if you have the opportunity, time and desire, can be easily embroidered yourself.

towels for a chintz wedding

You can also give clothes. An appropriate option from friends or relatives would be paired bathrobes or comfortable pajamas. As an option, give the spouses a T-shirt. An original choice is personalized clothing with event-appropriate or funny inscriptions.

Other gift options

You should not focus only on the symbols of the celebration when choosing a gift for the first family anniversary. It is important that the gift matches the preferences and wishes of the newlyweds.

chintz wedding

After a year of living, a young family, as a rule, has not yet acquired everything it needs for everyday life, so the house most likely lacks some useful little things or devices. By the way, there will also be various interior or decorative items.Here are options for practical, useful or original ideas that would be appropriate to give to relatives or friends:

  • wall or floor biofireplace;
  • modern gadgets for leisure and entertainment: action camera, e-book, photo frame, wireless speaker;
  • decor that adds style and comfort to the room: a figurine, a wall plate, a box for storing small items, a panel, a set of candlesticks, a levitating lamp;
  • useful accessories: shoe organizer, holder for jewelry and accessories, magnetic key holder, aroma lamp, book holder, perpetual calendar;
  • outdoor recreation kits;
  • household appliances and “smart” devices: pressure cooker, thermopot, blender, humidifier, robot vacuum cleaner, flower pot with portable speaker function, smart garden for growing plants, alarm clock simulating dawn;
  • furniture and interior elements;
  • car accessories.

The above list includes both budget and more expensive gifts. It is worth focusing on your capabilities and the needs of the heroes of the occasion. Having chosen a practical present as a gift, you can accompany it with a small souvenir with an engraved or embroidered symbolic inscription.

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