Why do people give a silver spoon for their first tooth?

The appearance of a baby’s first tooth is such a significant event for parents and loved ones that it is customary to celebrate it and give gifts. There is also a tradition of presenting a silver spoon. Why is it necessary to present such a souvenir? What is its symbolism, is there any practical benefit and who should do it? We'll figure out.

Why, when the first tooth appears, they give a silver spoon?

This tradition is old. She is believed to be from England. In favor of this version is the fact that in this country the expression is often used: “To be born with a silver spoon in your mouth.” By saying this, they imply the incredible favor of fate towards a person.

The mystical explanation of the tradition is that silver has the ability to protect against the evil eye, envy, otherworldly forces, and attract good luck and prosperity.

There is a custom, which, by the way, is extremely disapproved of by modern dentists - to knock on an emerging tooth with a spoon. It is believed that such manipulation attracts good luck and also ensures the health of this tooth and all that will appear in the future.Experts do not recommend doing this: during the period of teething, the gums are very sensitive, and swelling forms on them. There is no need to further disturb them and cause discomfort to the child.


There is also a rational explanation for this custom. The first tooth usually appears at six months of age. During this time, more varied foods are introduced into the diet than mother’s milk or formula. That is, the spoon here acts as a symbol of growing up, and even becomes useful when feeding.

In addition, cutlery can be considered a rather valuable, memorable and serious gift. It will be preserved until adulthood and, perhaps, will mark the beginning of a family collection.

In favor of the fact that this tradition is worth adhering to today are the beneficial properties of the noble metal. It is capable of ionizing water and disinfecting food upon contact.

Who should give a silver spoon and when?

Ancient customs and traditions that have survived to our time are often interpreted in their own way. It happens that parents themselves buy this cutlery for their baby. Sometimes a spoon is not given on the occasion of the appearance of the first tooth, but is given on christening. But if we turn to the origins of this tradition, then the spoon should be handed over:

  1. God-parents. Previously, the baptism ceremony took place shortly after birth. Today, when it is often postponed for some time, the child at the time of the appearance of the first tooth simply may not have godparents yet.
  2. Close relatives. Most often these are grandparents.
  3. The person who first noticed the appearance of a tooth. As a rule, this is mom.

When purchasing a silver spoon, you should additionally order engraving.

silver spoon

Tips for choosing a silver spoon

A spoon is not just a souvenir that has a decorative function and is given as a keepsake.This is a cutlery that will be used to feed the baby. When purchasing it as a gift, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the shape should be round, and the design should be free of sharp decorative elements;
  • it is better to choose a device with a textured surface: when the baby uses it independently, it will be more comfortable for him to hold;
  • On a product of excellent quality there is a clearly marked hallmark of 925-999 - that is, the silver in the souvenir is at least 92%.

It is also desirable that the product be accompanied by a hygiene certificate. This is a guarantee of its safety when used for its intended purpose.

A silver spoon as a gift for a baby is a useful and valuable present. Previously, such a souvenir was presented only by wealthy people, since silver was not available to everyone. Today, many can afford to buy this gift with meaning for their dear little one. In addition, this is a universal gift that is equally appropriate for both a boy and a girl.

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